"FWLS12" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See) WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM
"Benson!" I yelled through the cheap plastic door. "Lemme in! It's Fluki!" The door slid open with a wholly unoiled sound. "Fluki man, it's the middle of the night--" "I gotta crash here," I said, wandering by him into the apartment. "Eroki too." "Hiya," she waved, following me. "Whoa. Time out. What, are they spraying your building for roaches again or something?" "Don't I wish. I gotta homicidal fan on my rear." "Out," Benson ordered, pointing at the door. "I'd rather not have him follow you here." "Her," I corrected. "Some crazy Murfle named Sally." "THE Sally?" Benson said. "Man, when you get in trouble, you DO get in deep, don't you?" "You know her?" Eroki asked, flopping down on Benson's couch and flipping through HoloVision channels. "Not personally," Benson said, closing the door. "Remember Billy Stokins? That DJ the club had three weeks ago?" "Yeah?" "Rumor has it this Sally chick was stalking him for a week or so. Then Sally and Billy vanished. Never found Sally again, but they found billy by the shipyards... and in an alley... and near the recycling plant... and on the roof of this building... and--" "I get the point," I said, burying my face in my hands. "Crap. Now what?" "They say his girlfriend was mailed to HappiWerld in five small boxes," Benson continued. "And then a few months back Sally was tagging along after this one bartender, and the bloody marys looked sort of suspicious the next week, when some drink expert ran a DNA analysis on them, he found blood cells from him and his girl--" |