"FWLS14" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)

A Future We'd Like to See 1.14 - Making the Grade
By Twoflower (Copyright 1993)

Class notes, Mr. Q'woruarargnst, Reality Engineering 101.
Subjects : Informsorbs OO'ooaf and OI'sswwt. Project : Final
Exam, reality engineering.

This record is all notes taken during examination of OO' and
OI's universe construction exam. Timeline starts here,
compressed greatly as this universe had a longer lifespan than
other classmates.

Many billions of units pass by and life has not formed yet.
This is possibly due to the cheap building materials used, a
second-hand pocket reality purchased from a used reality dealer.
OO' and OI' weren't very wise in choice of raw material, as the
universe they selected was only capable of holding three
realities and 6 major species.

The first four species begin to develop on reality level
one. They seem accelerated in growth, discovering basic laws of
universe faster than they can handle. As a result, there is

By the time the first four have left their home spheres,
they begin to war on each other. Species three seems confined to
its sphere, as sphere-exiting attempts are unsuccessful due to
some obsession with self-destruction. Poor materials to start
with, bad coding by OO' and OI' don't help matters any.

Species two meets species three. Three and two have a very
minor conflict, and two accelerates three's growth rate, giving
them sphere-leaving capabilities. Three seems to be civilized to
some degree as they calm fighting between two and one, but this
is soon called to a halt as the major conflict is spread to
millions of minor ones.

Six develops on reality three, and seems to be the most
successful of the other five, achieving a primitive form of
civilization as we know it; however, six lacks curiosity, and
only contacts one through four once, resulting in near
destruction for the whole project. No other contacts are made.

Five is introduced in reality two, which is now accessible
through reality one. Five seems to generate more conflict, and
the entire species is banished to an isolated realm of reality
two. This will count heavily against OO' and OI'.

One through four are allied, and start building something