"FWLS17" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)

A Future We'd Like to See 1.17 - The Shell Game, Pt. 1
By Twoflower (Copyright 1993)

Three shadowy figures met that night, in a secret location
that wasn't technically real.

"What have you got?" a female voice asked.

"Not much, on the whole," a deeper one responded. "I
checked down at some Yttian educational facility. No information
about machine/comp interfaces, or anything else we need."

"I had a bit more luck at Macroworld," a younger voice
commented smugly.

"MACROWORLD? Geez, that's taking a bit of a risk, isn't

"The biggest risks yield the best results. I got some specs
on some new VOS extensions they're working on. Just basic stuff,
but we can swipe the ideas for our own use. How'd you do?"

"Quite well, actually," the female voice noted. "I went to
MurfTech's Port Hades branch. Had a lot of ice and defenses, but
I just morphed into a Murfle and got in. Weak, weak. But I did
get what I went for, in spades. Plans, code, blueprints,
chipsets, the works."

"Leave a calling card?" joked the younger voice.

"Of course not. I never screw up."

"Okay, we've got the goods. What's step two?"

"Get someone to build this stuff for us. And I have just
the way to do it."

Something on the woman's wrist beeped.

"Location's unsafe. Scatter back to your usual hideouts,
I'll page back later with the next meeting point. Look for
someone with enough brains to do the job, but not enough to know

"Got it."


The three departed. They didn't need to get a good night's
rest. They didn't even exist.