"FWLS24" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)couldn't keep from asking.
"What're you looking at?" "Oh, nothing. That club over there. See it? it's the one with the bright green shamrock." "The Lucky Clover? Ugh. Don't remind me," I grumbled, leaning on the rock. "I hate that place." "Can't stand green?" "No, I was laughed offstage." "Ah, so you're a musician?" "Well, sort of. See that planet off to the left?" I said, pointing. The man squinted at it, and nodded. "Well, I'm from there. Spent the last 7 years working on a mix of polka, rap, grunge, and speed metal. Really a hit over there." "I take it you were quite the celebrity?" the man asked. "Well, yes. 'Cept there aren't many record producers over there. One day, one of my fans says, 'Why not move to C'atel? hired there!'" "Makes sense," the man stated. "After all, this is sort of the Liverpool of the century." "Liverwhat?" I asked, confused. "Liverpool. City on Terra quite some time back. The Beatles were from there." "Can't say I've heard of them," I said, thinking hard. "Where was I?" "Something about hiring." "Yeah. Well, I spend everything I have to fly out here and get an apartment. I'm hired over the phone, sort of a spur of the moment thing, by the Lucky Clover. Opening night, I go up there with my combination accordion/guitar, and start playing." "How'd you do?" he asked, stirring his coffee with a finger. "Terrible. Laughed offstage. A few reviewers in the crowd declared me to be some weak amateur in the papers the next day. |