"FWLS29" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)

A Future We'd Like To See 1.29 - The Christmas Episode
By Twoflower (Copyright 1993)


This is quite clearly the most tasteless, gory, violent,
repulsive thing I have ever written. It has everything a teenage
slasher film has except the sex scenes, and that's just because I
couldn't find a good place to put them in. It's really not
suitable for children, or even adults for that matter... but if
you've got a sick sense of humor and have watched the network
holiday specials a few too many times, maybe it's time for you to
read something like this.

Thou hast been warned.


The ancient 8-track player crackled to life, as its play
button was nudged by a nearby chunk of a store-window dummy. The
archaic playback machine sputtered and whirred as the ground

"I'm, dreeeeaaming," it sang, "Of a white, christma--"

It was silenced by gunfire.

Chrissy ducked behind the counter as a line of stray machine
gun fire ripped up the holiday glove displays. Screaming and
covering her head, she crawled as far back into the checkout area
as she could, avoiding the broken glass.

"THIS YOUR FIRST YEAR?" the other clerk yelled at her from
the other side of the tiny crawlspace under the cash register.

"YES!" Chrissy yelled. "SO?"

"DON'T PANIC," he shouted back, in a rather calm way. "IT'S

There was a scream of pain as another crazed shopper was
plugged mercilessly with hot lead. Three shoppers immediately
pounced on the corpse, looting it of gifts. The clerk shrugged
and opened up a secret hatch under the counter, tapping a red

An impenetrable force field popped up around the counter and
behind-counter area, as Chrissy could see by the various bullets
and blood stains sticking to thin air. The clerk frowned, and
tapped another button, silencing out all the noise.