"FWLS33" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)

"Terrorists are gettin' weirder and weirder all the time,"
Mac laughed. "Ya ready, Brat?"

"All set to go."


"It's Y'ipp," he replied. "Yeah, I'm ready. How do I kick
this powertorso into run mode?"

"No idea. Didn't you read the dozens of instructional
booklets they dump on us with the new gear?"

"Naw, I figured I'd just wing it."

"Brilliant. Well, if you get fried because you could only
swagger out of battle, it's your fault. Come on, let's let the
locals continue worrying and start planning this out."


One of the many things the Patrol had dumped on me was a
sort of Virtual Reality mapper. Walk around the building once
and it figures out the rest.

"Alright, there's a large foyer..." I narrated, watching the
animated demo on my helmet's nightscope. "The elevators are
probably charged or tripwired or something, so I'd say the
stairs... the well leads right up the back of the building, glass
walls so every floor can see. The terrorists are in a room right
across from the stairs, fortunately."

"Straightforward," Mac commented. "Kinda like the South
Bank run, right?"

"The what?" Y'ipp asked, squirming in his exoskeletal leg

"South Bank. Me and the Brat here and some kid whose name I
don't recall have to fetch these docs out of a room kinda like
this layout. Well, we blaze through the lobby okay, since they
only had two guards and we had these great silent-fire
projectiles then, but it turns out the suits we had couldn't
handle the stairs. So Brat here has to try and wiggle out of
hers, since I'm too big, and help me get out of mine. The guards
burst in, notice Brat's not wearing her jumpsuit, 'cuz she had to
leave it behind to get out, and I blast 'em while they oggle."

"Last time I wear full body armor," I grumbled. That
certainly wasn't fun, even if the only witnesses were dead in the