"FWLS33" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)


"How well do those legs move, kid?"

"Y'ipp. And they move pretty well... except the left one
keeps dragging."

"Hmmm. Should we ditch 'em?" Mac wondered, looking up the
glass stairwell from the grass outside. "Stairs look pretty

"Hey, I think I'll keep all the armor I have," Y'ipp said.
"I've seen the newbies they pull out of your team. Half the time
they're disfigured to the point of resembling another species.
If I have to limp, I'll limp."

Hmmm. The newbie certainly has done his research. How he
reacts while on the run is another matter...

"Come on, time's a wasting. How many terrorists?"

"Can't tell. The VR map is guessing three. Governor is in
the corner, tied to a chair."

"Alright. Brat, you use that headgear to scan the lobby.
If it's clean, we'll go in and up the stairs. Do either of you
two have any stealth or noise-reduct gear? We're going to sound
like a few kitchen stoves rolling down a hill without it."

"I think one of these little buttons handles sound," Y'ipp
said. "Yeah. Volume."

"Good. Let's move out."



"It's clean," I said, checking out the ground floor on all
the scopes this thing had. A few of them were fuzzy, but that
was a hardware bug; you learn to tell the faults in your own gear
apart from the faults in reality after awhile.

"Hey, Mac? What's this big red button for?" Y'ipp asked.

"Last Resort," Mac said. "Ain't talking about no vacation
either. Usually it's some suicide run / danger escape ploy
cooked up by the Patrol. Only use it if you've got no other
choice, alright?"