"FWLS37" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)"You weigh a ton." "Well, deal with it," he laughed, smirking in a Trust-Me sort of way. He snapped his expression back to normal, and closed his eyes. His chest didn't move. * "Where'm I supposed to get the cash for this kind of travel?" I asked Terry, keeping Twinkie propped up against a chair. I waved the address-coated hand around. "I mean, good lord, he wants me to travel out to Regais. That's a good six- hundred credit spaceline ticket." "He has to have his reasons," Terry said. "Look at the headline of the address. 'Doc'. He obviously knows of someone that can heal him up." "But where do I get the cash? I can't exactly leave him like this for the few weeks it'll take to work up that much money." out of the medicine cabinet. "No, no thank you, I don't take loans--" "GIFT. What're siblings for?" she grinned. * Getting Twinkie through customs was amusing. He would have laughed his ass off watching me get a zombie with 34 band aids through spaceport security... I put him on the X-Ray machine conveyor belt just to freak everybody out. His internal systems registered him with normal human anatomy, which made it twice as amusing. I was in the security office in handcuffs for two hours thinking up an excuse. Sometimes you can take a joke too far. After convincing them he was in an ancient Peruvian trance in preparation for the Month of Ritual Fasting, they let me go provided I took a health kit along in case he got any worse. I ditched it in a trash can and hailed a taxi. "Thirty seventh and main," I told the cabbie, reading the ink address off my hand. I had to rewrite it a few times to keep the ink fresh... just then I realized it would have been a lot |