"FWLS43" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)

also tons of will-switches and things I didn't want to know about
embedded in that memory. It's frightening to think that this
much biotech is being used in the friggin' recording industry.
Which of the Dirty Dozen were supplying these guys with the tech?
Not ME, certainly!

I managed to get him from dead to near dead to coma to sleep
in about a day. He woke up shortly after.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"Congrads," I grinned at him. "Apparently your bosses like
you so much, they couldn't live without you. You're alive again,
like it or not."

"Alive?" he asked. Don't worry; people are very dense upon
being brought back from the dead.

"It was a bloody mess... figuratively and literally. Lots
of fun though, getting Humpty Dumpty together again. God, I live
for stuff like that."

"You... brought me back from the dead?"

"HE-LLOO? Anybody home? Better be, or I won't get paid.
Yeah, you're alive. Thank your lucky stars, kid, if you got any.
Hey, while we're on the topic, what was life after death like?"

"Boring," he said, and promptly fell asleep again. He
smiled through that sleep, however, and I could tell the was
pleased to be home. Or maybe pleased to be asleep.


They knocked on my door again three weeks later.

"What, again?" I asked, as they wheeled in three carts this
time. One containing parts, another containing Chuck, and
another containing Chuck. You get the picture.

"He managed to program his auto-hair stylist to cut him in
half," the corporate boy said. "Surprised everybody. He seemed
to be doing so well. Completed a week blazing tour of three
worlds and an autograph tour and six public appearances at the
Mall of Yttia easily."

"Alright... this should be easier. Gimmie a few days."
