"FWLS43" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)

go ahead. I don't mind," I shrugged. "Chuck here has forwarded
his entire savings from stardom to me. That's a nice sum. Maybe
I'll go into music someday. Oh! You haven't heard the FUN bit

"The... fun... bit?"

"Yup! See, I've got connections. I know all the Dirty
Dozen personally. They won't be accepting any jobs from your
company or any companies you own. And since we're the only guys
who can restore Chuck's muse... well, guess you're screwed. Boy,
am I HAPPY! I just LOVE destroying people's carefully laid out
plans, crushing their hopes and dreams! Isn't this FUN, Chuck?
It's not often that you really get to lay it on a butt-kissing,
brown-nosing, mindless company drone! Oh, I'm sorry, did that
offend you?"

Well, the guy reared back to hit me. Luckily, I had the
force screen up in the middle of the office... me and kid wonder
on one side, forces of evil on the other. His fist bounced back
harmlessly. My adrenaline high peaked at that point, chemical
reactions causing the loudest, longest laugh I've ever laughed.

"You're trespassing, gentlemen," I said, dropping back to
sterner tones, but keeping the smile. "I can always call
Security and have you escorted out. By the way, Security for me
is my good buddy Guido who lives around the corner and sleeps
with an ax."

So they left. Aw, hell, maybe they'll be back one day for a
piece of me, but who cares? I've had my thrill; it was worth it.
You just don't get quality mind games like that for free.

"And once again, Flip, Wonder Doctor, saves the day," I
giggled, taking a bow. "Who said docs never had any fun?"

"Well, I'm off to a happy, activity free life," Chuck said,
grabbing his personal belongings from the patient cabinet.

"What, no suicide?"

"Well... naah. I'm gonna try to get that harmony while
alive, kind of like a nirvana. It's much easier now that I lack
my usual stressload. Maybe I'll go become a hermit or

"Sounds like fun. Send me a postcard."

"I don't think hermits have regular mail service," Chuck
laughed, heading for the door. "Thanks anyway."