"FWLS9" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See)"Alrighty. Here's the store's number if you have any trouble with your new equipment. Have a nice temporal period, 'kay?" "Righty-O," I saluted, as the two workmen pushed the carts out of the house and off to their cargo ship. I closed the glass door, then grinned like a maniac to nobody in particular. I had been preparing the room for about a month. The popcorn would be within five inch reach of my armrest. I'd be using my best recliner, the one normally only used for guests, with only two Shoogar-Adye stains. I'd have a full gallon of said sugary drink on the left, with crazy straws assembled so I wouldn't have to lift a finger to have a slurp. Reason for this being that the remote would be in my left hand. 293 channels! Sports! News! Educational documentaries! Action! Suspense! Disjointed sentences! You can find it all on HoloVision. With this new gear, I'd be seeing it as it was meant to be seen - up close, full sized and PERSONAL. I could walk into the frame if I wanted to, or make the objects solid so I could toss popcorn at a bad comic and have it ACTUALLY bounce off. I could upscale the image to fill the room. I could even put an exercise bike in the center and switch to the Bike Path of HappiWerld, the rainy streets of C'atel, or the Grand Canyon on Terra. HV was almost a religious experience for me. Chanting a silent prayer to whatever gods of savings accounts that exist, I turned on the set. Well, channel 2 isn't very mind-blowing. Radar map of the local weather. The 3-D clouds are a nice touch, but this is as fun as watching linoleum tile curl. CLIK "In other news today, loveable wacky President Doofman was seen once again scaling the walls of the White House in disguise last night. After making a quick guest appearance at the Very Loud Small Cramped Nightclub, Secret Service agents led the playful prez away for a good night's rest..." Wow! Connie Rathjennings in my living room. You could see the desk, her, the 2-D screen hanging in the air next to her, and everything. I wonder if it's true, about newscasters not wearing anything from the waist down. Normally, one couldn't tell without this sort of equipment... naah, finding out would mean getting up from my chair. No thank you. CLIK |