"David Gemmell - Echoes of the Great Song" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gemmel David)

Bantam Press edition published 1997
Corgi edition published 1998 Corgi edition reprinted 1998

Copyright ┬й David A. Gemmell 1997

The right of David A. Gemmell to be identified as the author
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Echoes of the Great Song is dedicated with grateful thanks to Richard Alien, who - back in the sixties -
showed me the way to popularity by breaking my arm. And to Peter Phillips, whose heroic appearance in another
time of great danger prevented even more fractures.
My thanks to my editor Liza Reeves, test readers Stella Graham and Edith Graham, my copy editor Beth
Humphries, and to Alan Fisher for his invaluable insights.

Chapter One........................................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter Two..................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter Three ................................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter Four..................................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter Five ..................................................................................................................................... 24