"Gibran_Khalil_Gibran_-_Sand_and_Foam" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gibran Kahlil)Beauty shines brighter in the heart of him who longs for it than in the eyes of him who sees it.
I admire him who reveals his mind to me; I honor him who unveils his dreams. But why am I shy, and even a little ashamed before him who serves me? The gifted were once proud in serving princes. Now they claim honor in serving paupers. The angels know that too many practical men eat their bread with the sweat of the dreamer's brow. Wit is often a mask. If you could tear it you would find either a genius irritated or cleverness juggling. The understanding attributes to me understanding and the dull, dullness. I think they are both right. Only those with secrets in their hearts could divine the secrets in our hearts. He who would share your pleasure but not your pain shall lose the key to one of the seven gates of Paradise. Yes, there is a Nirvanah; it is in leading your sheep to a green pasture, and in putting your child to sleep, and in writing the last line of your poem. We choose our joys and our sorrows long before we experience them. Sadness is but a wall between two gardens. When either your joy or your sorrow becomes great the world becomes small. The bitterest thing in our today's sorrow is the memory of our yesterday's joy. They say to me, "You must needs choose between the pleasures of this world and the peace of the next world." And I say to them, "I have chosen both the delights of this world and the peace of the next. For I know in my heart that the Supreme Poet wrote but one poem, and it scans perfectly, and it also rhymes perfectly." Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking. When you reach your height you shall desire but only for desire; and you shall hunger, for hunger; and you shall thirst for greater thirst. If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. The flowers of spring are winter's dreams related at the breakfast table of the angels. Said a skunk to a tube-rose, "See how swiftly I run, while you cannot walk nor even creep." Said the tube-rose to the skunk, "Oh, most noble swift runner, please run swiftly!" Turtles can tell more about roads than hares. Strange that creatures without backbones have the hardest shells. The most talkative is the least intelligent, and there is hardly a difference between an orator and an auctioneer. Be grateful that you do not have to live down the renown of a father nor the wealth of an uncle. |