"Gibson, William - Johnny Mnemonic" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gibson William)It must have been raining; ribbons of water cascaded from a ruptured geodesic and spattered on the tile behind us. We crouched in the narrow gap between a surgical boutique and an antique shop. She'd just edged one mirrored eye around the corner to report a single Volks module in frond of the Drome, red lights fliashing. They were sweeping Ralfi up. Asking questions. I was covered in scorched white fluff. The tennis socks. The gym bag was a ragged plastic cuff around my wrist. 'I don't see how the hell I missed him.' 'Cause he's faxt, so fast.' She hugged her knees and rocked back and forth on her bootheels. 'His nervous system's jacked up. He's factory custom.' She grinned and gave a little squeal of delight. 'I'm gonna get that boy. Tonight. He's the best, number one, top dollar, state of the art.' 'What you're going to get, for this boy's two million, is my ass out of here. Your boyfriend back there was mostly grown in a vat in Chiba City. He's a Yakuza assassin.' 'Chiba. Yeah. See, Molly's been Chiba, too.' And she showed me her hands, fingers slighly spread. Her fingers were slender, tapered, very white against the polished burgundy nails. Ten blades snicked straight out from their recesses beneath her nails, each one a narrow, doubleedged scalpel in pale blue steel. *** I'd never spent much time in Nighttown. Nobody there had anything to pay forget. Generations of sharpsshooters had clipped away at the neon until the maintenance crews gave up. Even at noon the arcs were soot-black against faintest pearl. Where do you go when the world's wealthiest criminal order is feeling for you with calm, distant fingers? Where do you hide from the Yakuza, so powerful that it owns comsats and at least three shuttles? The Yakuza is a true multinational, like ITT and Ono-Sendai. Fifty years before I was born the Yakuza had already absorbed the Triads, the Mafia, the Union Corse. Molly had an answer: You hide in the Pit, in the lowest circle, where any outside influence generates swift, cocentric ripples of raw menace. You hide in Nighttown. Better yet, you hide above Nighttown, because the Pit's inverted, and the bottom of its bowl touches the sky, the sky that Nighttown never sees, sweating under its own filmament of acrylic resin, up where the Lo Teks crouch in the dark like gargoyles, black-market cigarettes dangling from their lips. She had another answer, too. 'So you're locked up good and tight, Johnny-san? No way to get that program without the password?' She led me into the shadows that waited beyord the bright tube platform. The concrete walls were overlaid with graffiti, years of them twisting into a single metascrawl of rage and frustration. 'The stored data are fed in through a modified series of microsurgical contraautism prostheses.' I reeled off a numb version of my standard |