"Stephen Golden - Last Ghost" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goldin Stephen)

. . . did everyone who died become a ghost like you?";


"Where are they all, then?"


"Gone where?"


Almost, she lost her patience again, but her millennia of training
saved her. "They all went away?"


"All except you?"


"How long has it been?"

She hadn't felt closer to crying in nearly five thousand years, both out of
sympathy for this pathetic creature and frustration at being unable to
solve his riddle. "Why didn't you go with them?"

"I . . . I was left behind."

.. Why?"

His answer came much more slowly this time, dredged from the silt at
the bottom of his pool of consciousness. "To . . . to . . . to point the way
for Those Who Follow."

"You're a guide, Then?" she asked incredulously.


"To where?"

"To . . . to . . . away."

"Can you show me where?

For the first time, sadness was in his voice. "No."

Slowly, very slowly, using all the powers of patience and logical
reasoning she had developed over the centuries, she extracted from him