"William Goldman - The Ghost and The Darkness" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goldman William)CUT TO
THE MAP. It covers a great deal of East Africa with a very clear line that ends at Lake Victoria, a distance of some 600 miles. BEAUMONT (pointing along the line) We are building this railroad across Africa for the glorious purpose of saving Africa from the Africans. And, of course, to end slavery. The Germans and French are our competition. We are ahead, and we will stay ahead providing you do what I hired you to do- CUT TO A MORE DETAILED MAP. This one ends at "Tsavo," 130 miles in. BEAUMONT -build the bridge over the Tsavo river. And be finished in four months time. Can you do that? PATTERSON So you know I've never yet been late on a bridge. BEAUMONT You've never built in Africa. PATTERSON But I have in India- every country presents problems. BEAUMONT You'll need your confidence, I promise you. PATTERSON I've got a reason far beyond confidence: my wife is having our firstborn in five months and I promised I'd be with her when the baby comes. BEAUMONT Very moving, Patterson; I'm touched you confided in me. |