"Terry Goodkind - Sword of Truth 2 - Stone of Tears" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goodkind Terry)

'Yesterday you would have killed Richard to keep him from harming Darken
'And yesterday be would have killed me to get at his foe. But now we serve
each other. Only a tool walks into the future backward.'
Zedd nodded and offered a small, but warm, smile of respect, but then his eyes
narrowed as he leaned closer. 'If the veil is not closed, Commander, and the
Keeper is loosed on the world, everyone will share the same fate. It won't be
just D'Hara, but the whole of the world that is consumed. From what I have
read of the prophecies, Richard may be the only one who can close the veil.
You just remember that, if harm tries to get a glance at Richard.'
Trimack's eyes were ice. 'Steel against steel, that he may be the magic
against magic.'

Terry Goodkind

For my parents, Natalie and Leo

I would like to thank my editor, James Frenkel. for having the integrity to
settle for no less than my best effort; my British editor, Caroline Oakley,
for her continuing support and encouragement; my friends Bonnie Moretto and
Donald Schassberger MD, for their expert advice; and Keith Parkinson for the
outstanding cover art.CHAPTER 1

Rachel clutched her doll tighter to her chest and stared at the dark thing
watching her from the bushes. At least she thought it was watching her. It was
hard to tell because the eyes were as dark as the rest of it, except when the
light caught them just right; then they gleamed a golden color.

She had seen animals in the woods before, rabbits and raccoons and squirrels
and such, but this was bigger. It was as big as her, maybe bigger. Bears were
dark. She wondered if it could be a bear.

But this wasn't exactly the woods, since it was indoors. She had never been in
an indoor woods before. She wondered if indoor woods had animals like the
outdoor woods did.

She might have been afraid if Chase wasn't there with her. She knew she was
safe with him. Chase was the bravest man she ever saw. Still, she was a little
afraid. Chase had told her she was the bravest little girl he knew. She didn't
want him to think she was afraid of some big rabbit.

Maybe that's all it was, some big rabbit, sitting on a rock or something. But
rabbits had long ears. Maybe it really was a bear. She put her doll's foot in
her mouth.

She turned and looked down the path, across the pretty flowers and short walls
covered with vines, and across the grass to where Chase was talking to Zedd,
the wizard. They were standing by a stone table, looking at the boxes, and