"Ron Goulart - Looking Into It" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goulart Ron)"You've seen her in bed with Dolan."
Phil said, "I know you mean well, Gabbo. I know you're sympathetic, or we wouldn't be having these talks. Please, though, don't keep alluding to that." "The green-eyed monster has reared its ugly head," said the computer. "You're burning up with jealousy." "No, you can't expect a girl to fall in love with you if she's never much met you. Melissa doesn't know I've been looking into her case for the last six months, putting together a massive dossier of audio, visual, and print material concerning her. She doesn't know I spend two or three hours a day going over the films and tapes our hidden monitors bring in. Worse, she doesn't know I'm in love with her." "Every line of work has its heartaches," said Gabbo. "When you have a government job you must put duty before love." "Exactly what Sal Kibbs would say if I confided in him." "Well, I hope I'm not starting to sound like a brass hat." Phil massaged the hollow of one of the gray earphones. "No, you're okay, Gabbo. I think of you as a friend. What with security precautions and all, I can't really talk freely with any of my friends on the outside, friends I've made myself. I don't mean those nitwits I've gotten to know at Poppa Bopper's Skin City. I've been thinking." "Yes, exactly. Afterall, she's probably not really involved in this case, except by accident. Once it's cleared up she won't be under observation." "Probably not." "At least not anywhere near as thoroughly as she is now. I was thinking, knowing as much as I do about her I should be able to use what I know." file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Ron%20Goulart%20-%20Looking%20Into%20It.html (3 of 11) [10/16/2004 3:33:11 PM] Looking Into It "How so?" "Well, for instance, I could say to her after a lecture sometime . . . something like, 'I understand you were born in Cleveland, Ohio, Miss Marcas. What a coincidence. So was I.' Something like that." "You weren't born in Cleveland." "But I know a lot about Cleveland, from looking into her case. I could certainly tell her a few street names." |