"Ron Goulart - Looking Into It" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goulart Ron)"Yes, that was really a tough neighborhood," continued Phil, taking a step back on the club's pie-shaped
stage. "Even the little babies were tough. Yes, when my mother rocked my cradle, she used real rocks. How about that?" "Rock you." That was one of the nude waitresses heckling him. Off in the back of the domed club, lost in thick purple light. Even the help here didn't like him. "And my little brother was so tough he never got baptized. No, every time we took him to church he mugged the priest." "Mug you." That was Doctor Hopely himself, which indicated how far he'd fallen. He was slumped at a stage side table, a long, thin man in a sharkskin jumpsuit. "Boy, was that a tough neighborhood. Even the cops were afraid in that neighborhood. That's right, they'd make all their arrests by picphone. Ever try to frisk somebody over the phone?" "Frisk you." Doctor Hopely again. "Let's see some more nookie," cried the curly-haired insurance man. He took off his plastic shirt and waved it in the purple air. "Say, have you heard about my fat wife? Boy, is that woman fat. I mean, the first time she went to the beach in her new bathing suit she got arrested for smuggling watermelons." "Let's see some naked skwack." This was Doctor Hopely. It was yelling things like this in public that had Phil started his tie spinning in a counter-clockwise direction. "Boy, did we have a lot of queers in my old neighborhood. But I see my time is up." file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Ron%20Goulart%20-%20Looking%20Into%20It.html (5 of 11) [10/16/2004 3:33:11 PM] Looking Into It The curly-haired man had Jumped up on the stage. "Relax," he whispered. "I'm FBI. I'm going to throw you into the doc's lap so you can plant the lint mike." "FBI?" "We're cooperating with NSO on this one." He got a stranglehold on Phil, shifted him up into an airplane spin and let him fly in the direction of the suspect chemical biological warfare man. As he sailed through the purple ambiance of Poppa Bopper's, Phil managed to dig the lint mike out of his baggy pants. The FBI man had good aim and Phil landed across Hopely's sharp knees. "Excuse me," he said, getting to his feet and pretending to brush at the frail doctor's suit. He got the lint mike hooked good and firm in Hopely's sharkskin armpit. Hopely smiled. "Please don't take my heckling to heart, young man. Actually you're quite droll. Have you ever heard of Grimaldi?" |