"Ron Goulart - Looking Into It" - читать интересную книгу автора (Goulart Ron)

"Why'd you give it up?"

"I had to travel a hundred miles everytime I wanted a dentist."

"Oh," said Dolan.

Phil stuck his finger and a silver pick into the handsome professor's mouth and began to pry off the old
and cracked tooth cap from a lower rear molar. "When I get this trade down good enough I may go back
to the commune."

"Could you do your own teeth?"

"In the MoJave Desert I'd have to." Phil was somewhat clumsy getting the old cap off and the new one
on. The professor assumed apparently that was because he was still in the process of learning. He didn't
suspect the mike was in his mouth now.

Phil kicked at the puff of dust on the office floor. "Is that a concealed mike?" he asked Gabbo.

"No," replied the computer. "That's real dust. One of our vacuum cleaners went berserk this afternoon
and didn't get around to this office."

file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Ron%20Goulart%20-%20Looking%20Into%20It.html (7 of 11) [10/16/2004 3:33:11 PM]
Looking Into It

Phil sat down in a tin chair. "I thought I noticed a vacuum cleaner running amok in Union Square as I
walked up here."

"These simpler mechanisms can't stand the strain."

"It was sucking up pigeons, this one," said Phil. "If I'd known it was one pf ours I'd have caught it and
brought it back."

"That might have broken your cover."

Snapping his fingers, Phil said, "My mind is wandering. I saw Melissa today."

"Even if I didn't know that," said Gabbo, "I could have guessed."

Phil took several spools of data in his right hand. He clacked them on his knee. "I figure to go over her
background again and then some of her aesthetic preference scores from high school and college. Then
I'll get a better idea about how to approach her. She likes robot swing combos. I suppose I could ask her
to the next Monterey Mechanical Jazz Festival."

"That's been cancelled for the duration."