The door was ajar. A stocky, iron-jawed individual opened it without a
single word. Graham Wellerton entered and waited until the door was closed.
"Hello, Gouger," he said to the stocky-faced man. "Is King Furzman ready
to see me now?"
Gouger nodded. He opened a door at the right of the little anteroom in
which they were standing, and motioned the visitor to enter. Graham walked
through the doorway; Gouger followed and closed the door behind him.
The anteroom remained silent. A small, gloomy chamber with three doors, it
served only as an entry. It was the appointed spot where Gouger, bodyguard to
"King" Furzman, awaited visitors who were announced.
Now that one visitor had entered, there was no occasion for Gouger to
remain until another call came from the downstairs lobby. But during that
interim, an unexpected visitor was due to make his appearance.
Scarcely had the door at the anteroom closed behind Gouger and Graham
Wellerton before the knob of the door from the corridor began to make a slow
turn. Something clicked softly in the lock. The door moved inward.
A figure entered the anteroom. The door closed behind the silent visitor.
Within the range of light stood the tall form of a spectral visitant who had
entered here despite the fact that the door was securely locked.
This being was completely clad in black. His principal garb was a long,
flowing cloak, that gave his form a grotesque shape. The upturned collar of the
cloak obscured the stranger's features.
Above the cloak, the silent visitor was wearing a broad-brimmed slouch hat
which completely hid his forehead. The dull light of the anteroom showed only
the eyes of the mysterious arrival. From beneath the hat brim, a pair of
blazing orbs shone with sinister gleam as they peered toward the two doors that
led into the apartment.
Like an apparition, this weird stranger had followed Graham Wellerton into
King Furzman's abode. Merged with the darkness at the far end of the corridor,
the black-cloaked phantom had been waiting for someone to arrive.
Neither Graham Wellerton nor Gouger had detected his uncanny presence;
neither was aware that The Shadow, master of the night, had observed their
meeting at the opened door!
Spectral figure of darkness, he was one who sought the spots where crime
was fostered. A master of mystery, his very name was terror to the underworld!
A lone wolf who battled the hordes of crookdom, a supersleuth whose prowess of
investigation knew no equal, The Shadow had entered here to learn facts
concerning bold crime.
The gleaming eyes spied the door upon the right. A soft, whispered laugh
came eerily from unseen lips. The tall form glided across the carpeted floor
and reached the closed door. A black-gloved hand slowly turned the knob. The
door yielded.
Peering through a narrow crevice, The Shadow spied an empty room, which
was almost totally dark. The one source of illumination came from a narrow
archway which was hung with heavy curtains. Beyond that was a room lighted by
floor lamps - a condition which signified that someone was present there.
The Shadow entered the gloomy room and silently closed the door behind