"Maxwell Grant - The Shadow - 011 - Double Z" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Maxwell)

"Because we want to keep Double Z from thinking we've got everything. He doesn't know how much
was really heard or understood at your end of the phone. He wants to bring in a lot of mystery about
Judge Tolland. I think his game is to make people believe that Judge Tolland has gone berserk and is
Double Z."

"That's possible!" exclaimed Ward.

"Possible, yes," said Cardona. "But lay off it. Your story is good enough. Caulkins was lured to the old
house, after receiving a threat from Double Z. He went there because some one had tipped him that he
would give him the real low-down on who Double Z wasтАФand, naturally, Caulkins was anxious to find
out, because of the threat.

"There he met Double Z in person, but didn't know it. He called up, started to say something about
Double Z, then came the shots, andтАФ that's all! Double Z played it right up until the last minute."

THE city editor became reporter. He began to jot down the theory given by Cardona.

"This is a break for you," said Fennimann. "I wanted to hold back on the note. This Double Z stuff
doesn't do us any good. Reference to Tolland would be worse."

"Right," agreed Ward. He was sold on the capabilities and methods of Joe Cardona.

"Now," said the detective, "I'll be glad to have one of your men come up and look for inside stuff. I've
given you what appear to me to be the real facts. Let's stick to them. Keep an eye on what your man
writes. I want to nail the guy that got Caulkins. That's my job."

The city editor of the Classic was thoughtful when he left detective headquarters. He admired the work of
Joe Cardona. He saw the fallacy of attempting to revive the Judge Tolland case, even though it fitted in
with tabloid ideas.

Joe Cardona was also pleased to have met Dale Ward. He was more pleased when he saw the next
day's Classic. Along with photographs of the martyred reporter and the death house appeared the story
that he had arranged. Double Z was in the news again; but now the strange criminal had overshot his
mark. The police were obtaining clews. Detective Cardona expected results.

"Double Z," muttered Joe Cardona as he stared at the newspaper spread upon the desk. "I've got the
guy's number now. He'll boil up because that Tolland stuff didn't land. He'll show his hand againтАФ and
when he does, it will be too bad for him!"


Clyde Burke stepped up to the city desk. His eyes met those of Dale Ward. The two men had much in
common. Both were journalists of long standing. Burke, formerly a reporter with the defunct Evening
Clarion, was now handling special assignments for the tabloid Classic.

"You've been talking with Harwood about the Wise Owl job, eh?" questioned Ward.

"Yes," replied Burke. "He told me he had to jam some stuff through for it, but that he won't be able to