"Maxwell Grant - The Shadow - 066 - Doom on the Hill" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Maxwell) DOOM ON THE HILL
Maxwell Grant This page copyright ┬й 2001 Blackmask Online. http://www.blackmask.com ? CHAPTER I. THE SHORT ROAD ? CHAPTER II. THE LONE HOUSE ? CHAPTER III. NEW MYSTERY ? CHAPTER IV. THE SHADOW LEARNS ? CHAPTER V. THE SHADOW ARRIVES ? CHAPTER VI. NEW PERSONS ENTER ? CHAPTER VII. THE SHADOW AT WORK ? CHAPTER VIII. CORPUS DELICTI ? CHAPTER IX. THE SHADOW'S RETURN ? CHAPTER X. THE SHADOW LISTENS ? CHAPTER XI. PATHS TO THE HILL ? CHAPTER XII. DEATH ON THE HILL ? CHAPTER XIII. THE SECOND BULLET ? CHAPTER XIV. WORD SPREADS ? CHAPTER XV. IN FROM NEW YORK ? CHAPTER XVI. SPIKE MAKES PLANS ? CHAPTER XVII. MOVES BEGIN ? CHAPTER XVIII. FOES IN THE DARK ? CHAPTER XIX. FOES IN THE LIGHT ? CHAPTER XXI. MEN FROM THE DARK ? CHAPTER XXII. THE BIG SHOT ? CHAPTER XXIII. WEALTH RESTORED CHAPTER I. THE SHORT ROAD "FIGURING on reaching New York tonight?" The filling-station attendant asked the question as he was replacing the cap on the gasoline tank of a trim coupe. The owner of the car, standing with a five-dollar bill in his hand, gave a nod as his response. "Past eight o'clock now," remarked the gas man, hanging the hose on the standard. "You'll be lucky if you pull in by three in the morning." "My calculation was two thirty," responded the motorist, as he followed the attendant into the service station. "Twenty miles more along the superhighway; then turn right along the Interstate Trail. Traffic is fairly heavy; but the roads are dry. I can make good time." "That's the way most of 'em go through," observed the attendant, as he pounded the keys on the cash register. "In fact, that's the way I usually advise 'em to go. But I can give you a tip that'll cut off twenty miles." "Bad roads?" "Not when they're dry. That's why I'm giving you the tip. There hasn't been a drop of rain in this county |