"Maxwell Grant - The Shadow - 243 - Room of Doom" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Maxwell)arguing that Aldriff's death was murder. No one could possibly believe it.
Nor would anyone believe that Aldriff was not party to the Pharco swindle. The newspapers had aired the thing completely, despite the contrary wishes of Dulther and Sigby. The past few days had been unhappy ones for the big men of Magnax. They hadn't just been bothered by reporters. They'd talked with the Federal district attorney; they had been to Washington to state their case to the heads of various governmental departments. A congressional investigation of the entire drug business was predicted for the near future, and when it began, Dulther and Sigby would have to repeat the testimony that they had already given. They welcomed it as an opportunity. They had proven absolutely that the Magnax Corp. had no connection whatever with the Pharco chain, and the more that fact was impressed upon the public, the better. "Fine men, Dulther and Sigby," Weston told Cranston. "It was a shock to them, the way Aldriff betrayed their trust. All this trouble has been a credit to their integrity. No scandal can wreck such reputations as theirs. "If Magnax weathers this storm, it will be a stronger corporation than ever before. If it fails, no one will blame Dulther and Sigby. They have both received offers from bigger companies than Magnax, proving that honesty is "But they have their shoulders to the wheel, in the effort to carry Magnax through. Win or lose, they will have shown their merit, and their reward will be great. It is an impressive fact, Cranston, that not one scrap of evidence exists to stamp Dulther or Sigby with the brand that Aldriff bore." The Shadow could picture Dulther and Sigby with their shoulders to the wheel, each pushing in the opposite direction. A wheel that had crushed Aldriff, and would grind Kelburn, as well. The statement with which Weston had ended his harangue was, indeed, impressive. The fact that no scrap of evidence could link Dulther and Sigby with Aldriff's deals, was something quite too perfect. It was the sort of thing that Dulther and Sigby could have planned to happen. THAT evening, Cranston dined with Joan. He expressed the opinion that he hadn't given Weston. Joan's eyes lighted when she heard it. Over the table, she responded: "It fits with what my uncle claims. He talked with all three men, Mr. |