"Maxwell Grant - The Shadow - 336 - Blackmail Bay" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grant Maxwell)

while Margo began to tell about the work she was doing for Judge Kroft, a
subject that Cranston dismissed almost immediately.
"Checking the tapes was Weston's idea," said Cranston, "but it will take
too long. I'll contact the judge tomorrow and suggest plans for immediate
results that are already pending."
Cranston paused as a smooth, rhythmic purr came from well out in the bay
and the lights of a swift speedboat shot across the open water between Moffat
Point and Round Island.
"That's Wilby Weldon, who owns the resort on Round Island," commented
Cranston. "He cruises around at night to make sure the channel markers and
other devices are all in working order. I'm staying at a cabin that Vincent
rented from him."
That ended the discussion, but Cranston remained close by while Margo
headed back to the Moffat House. From her window, she blinked a signal that
meant "All's well," and fancied that she saw the rubber boat drifting out on
the receding tide, but whether it had two passengers or just one, she could
only guess.
Perhaps Lamont Cranston had remained - as The Shadow!


BREAKFAST was late the next morning. During the meal, Hobbs arrived with
an urgent message from Judge Kroft, asking for Margo to come to his place as
soon as possible and to stay there over the next night because of important
work. Realizing that Kroft must have heard from Cranston, Margo went to her
room and was packed by the time Hobbs and Blake came up to get her bags. On
way downstairs, Blake told Hobbs:
"I'd better go in with you, Ezra, as I have to buy a lot of art materials
and hiking boots, so I can climb Hiram's Head and do some sketching this
"You'll have to come back before the 'Priscilla' docks at one o'clock,"
returned Hobbs, "because there's a mechanic coming out from Baxter Harbor with
new parts for my old car, so there won't be any taxi service after he gets
here; not until late tonight."
Madge Moffat overheard that and put up a protest:
"But I'm expecting a package from Boston! It will be left in my name at
the general store -"
"And I'll tell Earl Torgesen about it," soothed Hobbs. "You know how
accommodating he is, Miss Madge. After he closes the store, he'll bring it up
here on his bicycle. He needs the exercise."
"Good enough," agreed Madge. Turning to Blake, she added: "You remind
Earl, too. And there's my shopping list for the weekend supplies. Bring them
along when you come back with Ezra."
During the ride in past Hiram's Head, Hobbs and Blake talked about the
problems of Spruce Island, which were chiefly lack of communication. Since the
telephone connection came by cable directly from the mainland, the cost of a
private line was so prohibitive that there were only two telephones on the
island; one at the general store and the other at Judge Kroft's. In contrast,