"Simon R. Green - Deathstalker - 2 - Deathstalker Rebellion" - читать интересную книгу автора (Green Simon R)

become heroes, even legends. People will look to us for inspiration on how to
strike back against the Empire, and they'll join the rebellion in droves. The
underground on Golgotha are committing a lot of their people and resources to
help us in this, just because they believe in us. By surviving everything the Empire
sent after us, we've become the hope of everyone who ever dreamed of being

"If we're their only hope, they're in big trouble."

"Maybe," said Owen. "But whatever the truth of the matter, we have
responsibilities now. If we do pull this off, it'll be a sign that this rebellion has a
realistic chance of succeeding. The people might believe in us, but the cold facts
are that rebellions are extremely expensive to mount. Starships and rebel bases
don't come cheap. Remember how Jack Random had to deal and concede and
make questionable promises to questionable people, to get funding for his wars?
And he was the legendary professional rebel. He had to compromise; with the
credit we'll be lifting, we won't have to."

"All right," said Hazel. "Assuming, for the sake of argument, that we do bring this
off without being killed in horrible ways, what then? Turn pirate, and pick off
Empire ships between planets? Last I heard, the Empire was handing out some
really nasty deaths for piracy."

"Didn't stop you being one."

"I'm not exactly noted for my career choices. So what's the plan, Deathstalker? I
can tell you're just bursting to tell me."

"That's because it's such a good plan. As you'd know if you'd attended the strategy
sessions like you were supposed to."

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"Nag, nag, nag. Get on with it."

"We start small, picking our fights carefully, and build success on success until
we're a viable force within the Empire. Then we call on the people to rise up
against Lionstone. They've never dared in the past. Quite rightly, they fear
reprisals. They also value their comforts too much. They think they have too much
to lose. Unless their noses are rubbed in it, they don't like to think about where
those comforts come from, and who suffers to produce them. Our task is to change
the way people think, the way they see the Empire. First we educate them, then we
encourage them to rise up, and then we help liberate them. Classic strategy. If the
Empire really understood the lessons to be learned from studying history, they'd
ban it."

"You're really getting into this, aren't you, Deathstalker? You've come a long way