"Grey, Zane - Betty Zane" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grey Zane)

returned Captain Boggs. "I shall put out scouts and take all the precaution
possible. We must return now. Come, Lydia."

"Whew! What an awful night this is going to be," said Colonel Zane, when he
had closed the door after his guests' departure. "I should not care to sleep
out to-night."

"Eb, what will Lew Wetzel do on a night dike this?" asked Betty, curiously.

"Oh, Lew will be as snug as a rabbit in his burrow," said Colonel Zane,
laughing. "In a few moments he can build a birch bark shack, start a fire
inside and go to sleep comfortably."

"Ebenezer, what is all this confab about? What did my brother tell you?" asked
Mrs. Zane, anxiously.

"We are in for more trouble from the Wyandots and Shawnees. But, Bessie, I
don't believe it will come soon. We are too well protected here for anything
but a protracted siege."

Colonel Zane's light and rather evasive answer did not deceive his wife. She
knew her brother and her husband would not wear anxious faces for nothing. Her
usually bright face clouded with a look of distress. She had seen enough of
Indian warfare to make her shudder with horror at the mere thought. Betty
seemed unconcerned. She sat down beside the dog and patted him on the head.

"Tige, Indians! Indians!" she said.

The dog growled and showed his teeth. It was only necessary to mention Indians
to arouse his ire.

"The dog has been uneasy of late," continued Colonel Zane "He found the Indian
tracks before Wetzel did. You know how Tige hates Indians. Ever since he came
home with Isaac four years ago he has been of great service to the scouts, as
he possesses so much intelligence and sagacity. Tige followed Isaac home the
last time he escaped from the Wyansdots. When Isaac was in captivity he nursed
and cared for the dog after he had been brutally beaten by the redskins. Have
you ever heard that long mournful howl Tige gives out sometimes in the dead of

"Yes I have, and it makes me cover up my head," said Betty.

"Well, it is Tige mourning for Isaac," said Colonel Zane

"Poor Isaac," murmured Betty.

"Do you remember him? It has been nine years since you saw him," said Mrs.

"Remember Isaac? Indeed I do. I shall never forget him. I wonder if he is