"Grey, Zane - Betty Zane" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grey Zane)

When Alfred found himself gazing into the face that had haunted him all the
afternoon, he forgot for the moment all about his errand. He was finally
brought to a realization of the true state of affairs by Lydia's words.

"Mr. Clarke, you are all wet. What has happened?" she exclaimed, noticing the
water dripping from his garments.

Suddenly a light broke in on Alfred. So the girl he had accosted on the road
and "Betty" were one and the same person. His face flushed. He felt that his
rudeness on that occasion may have merited censure, but that it had not
justified the humiliation she had put upon him.

These two persons, so strangely brought together, and on whom Fate had made
her inscrutable designs, looked steadily into each other's eyes. What
mysterious force thrilled through Alfred Clarke and made Betty Zane tremble?

"Miss Boggs, I am twice unfortunate," said Alfred, tuning to Lydia, and there
was an earnest ring in his deep voice "This time I am indeed blameless. I have
just left Colonel Zane's house, where there has been an accident, and I was
dispatched to find 'Betty,' being entirely ignorant as to who she might be.
Colonel Zane did not stop to explain. Miss Zane is needed at the house, that
is all."

And without so much as a glance at Betty he bowed low to Lydia and then strode
out of the open door.

"What did he say?" asked Betty, in a small trembling voice, all her anger and
resentment vanished.

"There has been an accident. He did not say what or to whom. You must hurry
home. Oh, Betty, I hope no one hat been hurt! And you were very unkind to Mr.
Clarke. I am sure he is a gentleman, and you might have waited a moment to
learn what he meant."

Betty did not answer, but flew out of the door and down the path to the gate
of the fort. She was almost breathless when she reached Colonel Zane's house,
and hesitated on the step before entering. Summoning her courage she pushed
open the door. The first thing that struck her after the bright light was the
pungent odor of strong liniment. She saw several women neighbors whispering
together. Major McColloch and Jonathan Zane were standing by a couch over
which Mrs. Zane was bending. Colonel Zane sat at the foot of the couch. Betty
saw this in the first rapid glance, and then, as the Colonel's wife moved
aside, she saw a prostrate figure, a white face and dark eyes that smiled at

"Betty," came in a low voice from those pale lips.

Her heart leaped and then seemed to cease beating. Many long years had passed
since she had heard that voice, but it had never been forgotten. It was the
best beloved voice of her childhood, and with it came the sweet memories of