"Grey, Zane - Betty Zane" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grey Zane)

He was clad from head to foot in fringed and beaded buckskin, which showed
evidence of a long and arduous tramp. It was torn and wet and covered with
mud. He was a magnificently made man, six feet in height, and stood straight
as an arrow. His wide shoulders, and his muscular, though not heavy, limbs
denoted wonderful strength and activity. His long hair, black as a raven's
wing, hung far down his shoulders. Presently he turned and the light shone on
a remarkable face. So calm and cold and stern it was that it seemed chiselled
out of marble. The most striking features were its unusual pallor, and the
eyes, which were coal black, and piercing as the dagger's point.

"If you have any bad news out with it," cried Colonel Zane, impatiently.

"No need fer alarm," said Wetzel. He smiled slightly as he saw Betty's
apprehensive face. "Don't look scared, Betty. The redskins are miles away and
goin' fer the Kanawha settlement."


Any weeks of quiet followed the events of the last chapter. The settlers
planted their corn, harvested their wheat and labored in the fields during the
whole of one spring and summer without hearing the dreaded war cry of the
Indians. Colonel Zane, who had been a disbursing officer in the army of Lord
Dunmore, where he had attained the rank of Colonel, visited Fort Pitt during
the summer in the hope of increasing the number of soldiers in his garrison.
His efforts proved fruitless. He returned to Fort Henry by way of the river
with several pioneers, who with their families were bound for Fort Henry. One
of these pioneers was a minister who worked in the fields every week day and
on Sundays preached the Gospel to those who gathered in the meeting house.

Alfred Clarke had taken up his permanent abode at the fort, where he had been
installed as one of the regular garrison. His duties, as well as those of the
nine other members of the garrison, were light. For two hours out of the
twenty-four he was on guard. Thus he had ample time to acquaint himself with
the settlers and their families.

Alfred and Isaac had now become firm friends. They spent many hours fishing in
the river, and roaming the woods in the vicinity, as Colonel Zane would not
allow Isaac to stray far from the fort. Alfred became a regular visitor at
Colonel Zane's house. He saw Betty every day, but as yet, nothing had mended
the breach between them. They were civil to each other when chance threw them
together, but Betty usually left the room on some pretext soon after he
entered. Alfred regretted his hasty exhibition of resentment and would have
been glad to establish friendly relations with her. But she would not give him
an opportunity. She avoided him on all possible occasions. Though Alfred was
fast succumbing to the charm of Betty's beautiful face, though his desire to
be near her had grown well nigh resistless, his pride had not yet broken down.
Many of the summer evenings found him on the Colonel's doorstep, smoking a
pipe, or playing with the children. He was that rare and best company--a good