"Grey, Zane - Betty Zane" - читать интересную книгу автора (Grey Zane)

These reckless bordermen knew not the meaning of fear; to all, daring
adventure was welcome, and the screech of a redskin and the ping of a bullet
were familiar sounds; to the Wetzels, McCollochs and Jonathan Zane the hunting
of Indians was the most thrilling passion of their lives; indeed, the Wetzels,
particularly, knew no other occupation. They had attained a wonderful skill
with the rifle; long practice had rendered their senses as acute as those of
the fox. Skilled in every variety of woodcraft, with lynx eyes ever on the
alert for detecting a trail, or the curling smoke of some camp fire, or the
minutest sign of an enemy, these men stole onward through the forest with the
cautious but dogged and persistent determination that was characteristic of
the settler.

They at length climbed the commanding bluff overlooking the majestic river,
and as they gazed out on the undulating and uninterrupted area of green, their
hearts beat high with hope.

The keen axe, wielded by strong arms, soon opened the clearing and reared
stout log cabins on the river bluff. Then Ebenezer Zane and his followers
moved their families and soon the settlement began to grow and flourish. As
the little village commenced to prosper the redmen became troublesome.
Settlers were shot while plowing the fields or gathering the harvests. Bands
of hostile Indians prowled around and made it dangerous for anyone to leave
the clearing. Frequently the first person to appear in the early morning would
be shot at by an Indian concealed in the woods.

General George Rodgers Clark, commandant of the Western Military Department,
arrived at the village in 1774. As an attack from the savages was apprehended
during the year the settlers determined to erect a fort as a defense for the
infant settlement. It was planned by General Clark and built by the people
themselves. At first they called it Fort Fincastle, in honor of Lord Dunmore,
who, at the time of its erection, was Governor of the Colony of Virginia. In
1776 its name was changed to Fort. Henry, in honor of Patrick Henry.

For many years it remained the most famous fort on the frontier, having
withstood numberless Indian attacks and two memorable sieges, one in 1777,
which year is called the year of the "Bloody Sevens," and again in 1782. In
this last siege the British Rangers under Hamilton took part with the Indians,
making the attack practically the last battle of the Revolution.



The Zane family was a remarkable one in early days, and most of its members
are historical characters.

The first Zane of whom any trace can be found was a Dane of aristocratic
lineage, who was exiled from his country and came to America with William