"Gygax,.Gary.-.Night.Arrant.-.Gord.The.Rouge.-.SS" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gygax Gary)

by Gary Gygax
A collection of short stories
feattiring Gord, his Mends,
and his foes
Dlustrated by Jerry TirltlUi Edited by Pamela O'Neffl
Copyright й1987 Trlgee Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.
The stories In NIGHT ARRANT are set In the locale described In the WORLD OF GRETHAWKЩ Fantasy Game Setting, which was created by Gary Gygax. Characters, towns, places, and landmarks from that product are used pursuant to license from TSR, Inc. All characters and names In this book are fictitious.
This book Is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein Is prohibited without the express written permission of the copyright holder.
GORD THE ROGUE Is a trademark owned by Trigee Enterprises Corporation.
The New Infinities Productions logo Is a trademark owned by New Infinities Productions, Inc.
WORLD OF GREYHAWK and DUNGEONS ft DRAGONS are trademark* owned by TSR. Inc. The use of these terms In this product has not been approved by TSR, Inc.
The name "Ace" and the "A" logo are trademarks belonging to Charter Communications, Inc.
First Printing. September 1087 Printed fat the United States of America
Distributed by the Berkley Publishing Group. 200 Madison Avenue. New York NT 1OO16
987654321 ISBN: O-441-29863-X
New Infinities Productions, Inc.
P.O. Box 127
Lake Geneva WI S3147
7 The Heart of Darkness
47 The Weird Occurrence
in Odd Alley
111 A Revel in Rel Mord
167 The Five Dragon Bowl
199 Twistbuck's Game
229 Tlie House in the Tree
275 Cats Versus Rats
303 Love Laughs at Locks
337 CatorRgeon?
Tills work is especially for all those who love the fun of fantasy adventure, whether in game form or tall tale. Among this honored band are the players in my game campaign, as well as friends and associates who just might appear in one form or another in these pages.
Other books by Gary Gygax
Saga of Old City
Artifact of Evil
Sea of Death
The Heart of Darkness
ENEEVER ZIG LOOKED THE PART of a wizard. His robe was rusty black and appliqued with signs and symbols. The girdle that bound it to his thin waist was likewise covered with glyphs and runes of odd sort. He wore a pointed hat that matched his robe down to showing crescent moons, stars, and similar depictions of celestial objects. The willowy-shaped wizard was adorned with strange jewelry befitting a great spell-worker. Brooches, amulets, pendants, bracelets, and rings were all of unusual design and unknown workmanship. These precious gems bore arcane engravings and were set with weird minerals. A pair of ritual daggers hung from the old sorcerer's dragonhide girdle, as did a metal case that looked to be about the right size to house a wand.
There was no way to determine how many years of magic the old sage had under that girdle, but if one were to venture a guess it would be wise to start with a very high number. His beard was pale gray and remarkably less bushy than his jutting brows. His eyes were a piercing pale blue, his mouth a narrow slit barely visible beneath his bristling moustache. His face was drawn and gaunt, an open confession of many years of suffering.
This picture-perfect wizard entered the tavern and slowly made his way through the crowd, his
eyes darting from one face to another. He smiled inwardly as he spotted the two he sought and then quickly made his way across the room to the table they occupied. He sat down and stared at the two men seated across from him. His beard stirred and the thin lips began to open. But before he had a chance to utter a word, the barbarian staring back jumped to his feet, slammed his fist down hard on the table, and loudly exclaimed, "You must be a wizard!" The look on the massive barbarian's face resembled that of a young child seeing his first oli-phant at a menagerie.
"No, Chert, he just likes dressing up," the huge hlllman's companion mumbled sarcastically. Then he stood and half-bowed in the wizard's direction. "Our pardon, good sir. My companion is somewhat awestruck by your appearance. We will leave now, begging your forgiveness for the intrusion and banal remarks." The small, leather-clad man grasped the barbarian by the arm as he spoke, trying to pull the giant to his feet. "Come on. Chert! We are annoying this gentleman!" Cord said, still trying to budge his uncooperative friend.
"Hey! Let go of my arm! This is the first wizard IVe ever seen up close!" the big hillman bellowed without taking his wondering gaze from the figure seated across the worn table.
By this time the other patrons of the Bird in Hand were beginning to stare. The barbarian was so wrapped up in the unusual sight seated across from him that he was oblivious to the attention he was receiving. His companion, however, was not. The slender young thief continued trying to hoist the six-foot-six mountain of muscle from the seat to which he seemed to be glued at the moment
Throughout this whole episode Eneever Zig remained silent, his eyes betraying no hint of emo-
tion, as he stared at the bumbling barbarian and his embarrassed friend.