"Edmond Hamilton - The Futuremen Collection" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hamilton Edmond)contains many interesting and fascinating facts to
supplement those you read in our featured novels. THE FUTUREMEN: No. 1 - The Metal Robot RAG the robot is the largest and strongest of Captain Future's three strange comrades. He is probably the strongest being in the whole Solar System. G He towers over seven feet in height, a massive, man- like figure of gleaming "inert" metal. This metal, being impervious to most forces and weapons, has protected Grag from destruction many times. Yet old scars show where his body-plates have been broken and rewelded in the past. IMBUED WITH INTELLIGENCE Grag was built in the cavern-laboratory on the moon by Roger Newton, Captain Future's father, and Simon Wright, the Brain, according to an intricate design. The robot was not designed to be merely an automa- ton, but to have an intelligence and individuality of his own. His creators endowed him with a brain consisting of metal neurones roughly corresponding to the neurone- pattern of a human brain, though more simple. The thought-impulses set up inside this metal brain are elec- robot's great limbs. ATOMIC POWER Grag's source of energy is atomic power. A com- pact, super-powerful plant is located deep within his metal torso for safety. A small amount of metal fuel in- serted into this power-plant inside his body is sufficient to keep his strength for many months. The metal robot can hear better than any human be- ing, because bis microphonic ears are super-sensitive. They enable him to hear sounds which are above or below the range of human audibility, and Captain Fu- ture has sometimes made use of this fact to communi- cate through Grag with planetary creatures who talk in tones beyond the range of human hearing. Grag has an immense and unshakable loyalty to Captain Future, which is his chief emotion. The robot tended Curt Newton through his infancy, and because Curt needed constant watching then, Grag thinks that his master still needs watching over. THE BRAIN'S HANDS Toward Simon Wright, Grag feels respect and some awe. For he knows that Simon helped create him. Also he has long been accustomed to acting as the Brain's hands, performing experiments and researches |