"Harry Harrison - SSR 08 - The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the " - читать интересную книгу автора (Harrison Harry)

pay. The incident is closed."'

"Wonderful," I sighed, dropping limply onto the couch. "Look, can I get a drink? It has been a long day.
No spirits however--a beer will do fine."

"A capital idea. I will join you."

A tiny but well-stocked bar unfolded from one wall; the dispenser produced two chilled brews. I gulped
and smacked.

"Excellent. If I have only thirty days to go shouldn't you be telling me about what you want me to do?"

"In good time," he said, sitting down across from me. "Captain Varod asked me to send his regards. And
to convey the message that he knee you were lying when you promised to give up a life of crime."

"So he had me watched?"

"You're catching on. After this last criminal assignment for us you will become an honest man. Or else."

"Who are you to talk!" I sneered and drained the glass. "A crooked shyster who is theoretically paid to
uphold the law. Yet you stand by and let the thugs here on Paskonjak pass legislation to have trials after
an execution-then you employ a criminal to commit a criminal act. Not what I would call sincerely law-

"First," he said, lifting a finger in a very legalistic way, "we have never condoned the secret law in the
Mint. It was only recently produced by the overly-paranoid management here. Yours was the first arrest-
and will be the last. There have been numerous job replacements already. Secondly," another finger rose
to join the first, "the League has never condoned violence or criminal acts. This is the first occurrence and
has been produced by an .unusual series of circumstances. After great deliberation the decision was made
to do it just this one time. And never again."

"Millions might believe that," I sneered disbelievingly. "Isn't it time you told me what the job is?"

"No-because I don't know myself. My vote was cast against this entire operation so I have been included
out. Professor Van Diver will brief you."

"But what about the thirty-day poison?"

"You will be contacted on the twenty-ninth day." He stood up and went to the door. "It is against my
principles to wish you good luck."

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This was his puritanical pontificatory exit line. Because as he went out an elderly type with a white beard
and a monocle entered.

"Professor Van Diver I presume?"