"Richard Hatch - Battlestar Galactica 01 - Armageddon" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hatch Richard)

reached the Binary 13 system and are going to do a recon orbit of Ochoa
before landing. Just to be sure its safe," Apollo instructed. He studied the
holo-map that still shimmered before him, as well as the readouts visible
on the interior of his helm's energy shield.

Until it was put on, a Warrior's helm was open at the face. When it was
donned by a pilot, however, a barely visible energy shield would be
activated, sealing the face and the breach around the neck.

Not only did the helm offer a visual readout, or info-scroll, which
offered a constant flood of data, but it provided commlink to the fleet and
to other Vipers. The helm had a rebreather/filter function, which allowed
regular breathing in any environment with even a trace of oxygen.

A Warrior's helm was almost as necessary in battle as the Viper itself.

After consulting both data sources, Apollo realized that an orbit around
Ochoa would require a slight course correction. He tapped his navi-hilt to
the left. So long had he and Starbuck flown together that Apollo didn't
need to communicate the course change. Starbuck compensated
simultaneously and continued his report to the Galactica.
The narrow-beam message was sent as a coded deep-space signal. All
long-distance communication was beamed this way, scrambled on one
end and de-scrambled on the other. The comm officer on the Galactica
would hear Starbuck's voice, or the computer's closest approximation of
his voice, since the de-scrambling of the comm-signal was automatic.

"All right," Starbuck said, his voice a bit tinny inside Apollo's helm.
"Let's get this recon taken care of so I can get on with my long-delayed
furlon. I saved up some cubits after that last game to buy a bottle of
ambrosa for myself and Cassiopeia."

"It's been fermenting for six hundred yahren, StarbuckтАФanother ten
centons isn't going to make a difference," Apollo said, rolling his eyes.
"Any additional instructions from Galactica?"

"No, but Athena said to tell you not to waste time. Apparently the
commander's feeling ill," Starbuck reported.

"What? What's wrong with my father?" Apollo asked, instantly
alarmed. As vital as Adama had always been, and despite being the most
strong-willed Warrior in the fleet, Apollo had ever been an overly
concerned son. And if Athena was worriedтАж

"Athena didn't say," Starbuck replied. "Just asked that we cut the
feldergarb, do the job and get home. I'm sure Adama's fine, Apollo."

Apollo didn't answer at first. After a moment, without any enthusiasm
whatsoever, he mumbled his assent. Then he pushed his anxiety away and
focused on the mission. A simple one, the type of recon he and Starbuck