"Richard Hatch - Battlestar Galactica 02 - Warhawk" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hatch Richard)

In return, dozens of Chitain stingers fired crimson death.
Chapter One

He stared into the burning, feral eyes of Gar'Tokk, leader of the
Borellian Nomen, and saw death. Gar'Tokk's thick arms were wrapped
around Commander Apollo's chest, squeezing.

With a grunt, Apollo felt a rib give way.

Around them, in an arena on the starship Ligeia, a crowd of hundreds
roared with bloodlust. Apollo was too busy to glance around, and he was
glad. He wouldn't want to see the fear for his life that was no doubt etched
on the faces of his family and friends. They ought to know he wouldn't die
on themтАФApollo didn't like to let people down.

Now, if he could just figure out how to survive the next few seconds,
maybe he wouldn't mind so much when Starbuck told him what a
mindwipe he'd been to get himself into this situation in the first place.

Gar'Tokk roared in fury and triumph, squeezed tighter, and snapped
another rib.

Twenty centari earlier, Apollo had boarded the Ligeia with Captain
Starbuck and Lieutenant Troy. The three men had walked in relative
silence toward the massive forum at the center of the ship. While most
sporting events were held on board the Rising StarтАФincluding all Triad
tournamentsтАФthe large open area of the Ligeia was used for theatrical
productions and musical performances.

The event planned for this evening was a bit different, however.

It was a death match.

"You can't do this, Father!" Troy snapped angrily.

Apollo shook his head. "We've been over this, Troy. If you objected, you
ought to have stayed behind."

"StayedтАж" Troy paused, mouth open slightly, then grabbed Apollo by
the arm and stopped him short, turned him so that they were face to face.

Apollo stared into his son's blue eyes, unwilling to look away, to
acknowledge the logic Troy employed. It wouldn't do any good. Logic had
nothing to do with the proceedings of that night.

"What I should have done is told Sheba and Athena about this
insanity!" Troy said, and searched his father's eyes for some capitulation.
"You've got to be sniffing vapors, or something. What if he kills you?"