"Brian Herbert - Dune - Nightime Shadows On Open Sand" - читать интересную книгу автора (Herbert Brian & Frank)

high enough, we could spot patches of green where matted plant growth holds the dune faces in

The young man sighed. His father was a great man with magnificent dreams for DuneтАФand yet Kynes
was so focused on one thing that he failed to see the universe around him. Liet knew that if any
Harkonnen patrols found the plantings, they would destroy them and punish the Fremen.

Though only twelve, Liet regularly went out on guerrilla raids with his Fremen brothers and had
already killed Harkonnens. For more than a year, he and his friendsтАФled by the brash StilgarтАФhad
struck targets that others refused to consider. Only a week before, Liet's companions had blown up
a dozen patrol 'thopters at a supply post. Unfortunately, the stupid Harkonnen troops had taken
their revenge against poor villagers, seeing no difference between settled folk and the will-o'-
the-sand Fremen.

He hadn't told his father about his guerrilla activities, since the elder Kynes wouldn't
understand the necessity. Premeditated violence, for whatever reason, was a foreign concept to the
Planetologist. But Liet would do what needed to be done.

Now, the groundcar approached a village tucked into the rocky foothills; it was called Bilar Camp
on their terrain maps. Pardot continued to talk about melange and its peculiar properties. "They
found spice too soon on Arrakis. It deflected scientific inquiry. It was so useful right from the
outset that no one bothered to probe its mysteries."

Liet turned to look at him. "I thought that was why you were assigned here in the first placeтАФto
understand the spice."

"Yes тАж but we have more important work to do. I still report back to the Imperium often enough to
convince them I'm working at my job тАж though not very successfully." Talking about the first time
he'd been to this region, he drove toward a cluster of dirty buildings the color of sand and dust.

The groundcar jounced over a rough rock, but Liet ignored it and stared ahead at the village,
squinting his eyes in the harsh light of the desert morning. The morning air held the fragility of
fine crystal. "Something's wrong," he said, interrupting his father.

Kynes continued talking for a few seconds and then brought the vehicle to a stop. "What's that?"

"Something is wrong." Liet pointed ahead at the village.

Kynes shaded his eyes against the glare. "I don't see anything."

"Still тАж let us proceed with caution."

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