"Frank Herbert - Dune 4 - God Emporer of Dune" - читать интересную книгу автора (Herbert Brian & Frank)

Siona smiled up at her. "You don't always agree with my decisions, do you,
"No." The word was forced from her.
"And you have never tried to conceal your disagreement, yet you always obey me.
"That is what I have sworn to do."
"But I have said this is not enough."
Nayla knew she was perspiring, knew this was revealing, but she could not move.
What am Ito do? I swore to God that I would obey Siona but I cannot tell her
"You must answer my question." Siona said. "I command it."
Nayla caught her breath. This was the dilemma she had most feared. There was no
way out. She said a silent prayer and spoke in a low voice.
"I have sworn to God that I will obey you."
Siona clapped her hands in glee and laughed.
"I knew it!"
Topri chuckled.
"Shut up, Topri," Siona said. "I am trying to teach you a lesson. You don't
believe in anything, not even in yourself."
"But I...
"Be still, I say! Nayla believes. I believe. This is what holds us together.
Topri was astonished. "Belief? You believe in. .."
"Not in the God Emperor, you fool! We believe that a higher power will settle
with the tyrant worm. We are that higher power. "
Nayla took a trembling breath.
"It's all right, Nayla," Siona said. "I don't care where you draw your strength,
just as long as you believe."
Nayla managed a smile, then grinned. She had never been more profoundly stirred
by the wisdom of her Lord. I may speak the truth and it works only for my God!
"Let me show you what I've found in these books," Siona said. She gestured at
some sheets of ordinary paper on the table. "Pressed between the pages."
Nayla stepped around the table and looked down at it.
"First, there's this." Siona held up an object which Nayla had not noticed. It
was a thin strand of something . . . and what appeared to be a . . .
"A flower?" Nayla asked.
"This was between two pages of paper. On the paper was written this."
Siona leaned over the table and read: "A strand of Ghanima's hair with a
starflower blossom which she once brought me."
Looking up at Nayla, Siona said: "Our God Emperor is revealed as a
sentimentalist. That is a weakness I had not expected."
"Ghanima?" Nayla asked.
"His sister! Remember your Oral History."
"Oh . . . oh, yes. The Prayer to Ghanima."
"Now, listen to this." Siona took up another sheet of paper and read from it.
"The sand beach as gray as a dead cheek, A green tideflow reflects cloud
ripples; II stand on the dark wet edge. Cold foam cleanses my toes. I smell
driftwood smoke. "
Again, Siona looked up at Nayla. "This is identified as `Words I wrote when told
of Ghani's death.' What do you think of that?"