"Frank Herbert - Dune 4 - God Emporer of Dune" - читать интересную книгу автора (Herbert Brian & Frank)Leto's ears told him that Moneo had not yet crossed half the distance to the
Royal Cart. The man moved slower and slower, then picked up his pace. What a gift Moneo has given me in this daughter, Leto thought. Siona is fresh and precious. She is the new while I am a collection of the obsolete, a relic of the damned, of the lost and strayed. I am the waylaid pieces of history which sank out of sight in all of our pasts. Such an accumulation of riffraff has never before been imagined. Leto paraded the past within him then to let them observe what had happened in the crypt. The minutiae are mine! Siona, though . . . Siona was like a clean slate upon which great things might yet be written. I guard that slate with infinite care. I am preparing it, cleansing it. What did the Duncan mean when he called out her name? Moneo approached the cart diffidently yet consummately aware. Surely Leto did not sleep. Leto opened his eyes and looked down as Moneo came to a stop near the corpse. At this moment, Leto found the majordomo a delight to observe. Moneo wore a white Atreides uniform with no insignia, a subtle comment. His face, almost as well known as Leto's, was all the insignia he needed. Moneo waited patiently. There was no change of expression on his flat, even features. His thick, sandy hair lay in a neat, equally divided part. Deep within his gray eyes there was that look of directness which went with knowledge of great personal power. It was a look which he modified only in the God Emperor's presence, and sometimes not even there. Not once did he glance toward the body on the crypt's floor. Lord." Exquisite! Leto thought. He knows l feel true remorse about the Duncans. Moneo has seen their records and has seen enough of them dead. He knows that only nineteen Duncans died what people usually refer to as natural deaths. "He had an Ixian lasgun," Leto said. Moneo's gaze went directly to the gun on the floor of the crypt off to his left, demonstrating that he already had seen it. He returned his attention to Leto, sweeping a glance down the length of the great body. "You are injured, Lord?" "Inconsequential." "But he hurt you." "Those flippers are useless to me. They will be entirely gone within another two hundred years." "I will dispose of the Duncan's body personally, Lord," Moneo said. "Is there. . ." "The piece of me he burned away is entirely ash. We will let it blow away. This is a fitting place for ashes." "As my Lord says." "Before you dispose of the body, disable the lasgun and keep it where I can present it to the Ixian ambassador. As for the Guildsman who warned us about it, present him personally with ten grams of spice. Oh-and our priestesses on Giedi Prime should be alerted to a hidden store of melange there, probably old Harkonnen contraband." "What do you wish done with it when it's found, Lord?" |