"Frank Herbert - Dune 4 - God Emporer of Dune" - читать интересную книгу автора (Herbert Brian & Frank)Disbelieved and feared.
They had brought him down to the planet on a small Guild shuttle, arriving at the dusk line with a green glimmer of sun corona along the horizon as they dipped into the shadow. The spaceport had not looked at all like anything he remembered. It was larger and with a ring of strange buildings. "Are you sure this is Dune'?" he had asked. "Arrakis," his Tleilaxu escort had corrected him. They had sped him in a sealed groundcar to this building somewhere within a city they called Onn, giving the "n" sound a strange rising nasal inflection. The room in which they left him was about three meters square, a cube really. There was no sign of glowglobes, but the place was filled with warm yellow light. I am a ghola, he told himself. That had been a shock, but he had to believe it. To find himself living when he knew he had died, that was proof enough. The Tleilaxu had taken cells from his dead flesh and they had grown a bud in one of their axlotl tanks. That bud had become this body in a process which had made him feel at first an alien in his own flesh. He looked down at the body. It was clothed in dark brown trousers and jacket of a coarse weave which irritated his skin. Sandals protected his feet. Except for the body, that was all they had given him, a parsimony which said something about the real Tleilaxu character. There was no furniture in the room. They had let him in through a single door which had no handle on the inside. He looked up at the ceiling and around at the walls, at the door. Despite the featureless character of the place, he felt that "Women of the Imperial Guard will come for you," they had said. Then they had gone away, smiling slyly among themselves. Women of the Imperial Guard? The Tleilaxu escort had taken sadistic delight in exposing their shapechanging abilities. He had not known from one minute to the next what new form the plastic flow of their flesh would present. Damned Face Dancers! They had known all about him, of course, had known how much the Shape Changers disgusted him. What could he trust if it came from Face Dancers'? Very little. Could anything they said be believed? My name. I know my name. And he had his memories. They had shocked the identity back into him. Gholas were supposed to be incapable of recovering the original identity. But the Tleilaxu had done it and he was forced to believe because he understood how it had been done. In the beginning, he knew, there had been the fully formed ghola, adult flesh without name or memories-a palimpsest upon which the Tleilaxu could write almost anything they wished. "You are Ghola," they had said. That had been his only name for a long time. Ghola had been taken like a malleable infant and conditioned to kill a particular man-a man so like the original Paul Muad'Dib he had served and adored that Idaho now suspected it might have been another ghola. But if that were true, where had they obtained the original cells? |