"Higgins, Jack - Sheba" - читать интересную книгу автора (Higgins Jack)

Muller drew himself up. 'At your orders, Herr Admiral.'

'Good.' Canaris pressed a button on his desk. 'We'll keep you informed.'

Ritter entered. 'Herr Admiral?'

'Wait outside, Professor,' Canaris said, and waited until Muller had gone out. 'He seems harmless enough, but I still have my doubts, Hans. If you used this place as a base it would require a flight of say twelve hundred miles to the Canal and what real damage could one bomber do? In fact, do we have a plane that could make the flight?'

'I've already had a thought,' Ritter said, 'but I'd like to explore it further before sharing it with you.'

Canaris frowned. 'Is this serious business, Hans?'

'I believe it could be, Herr Admiral.'

'So be it.' Canaris nodded. 'I don't need to tell you to squeeze Muller dry, details of this Dahrein placj, how the Spanish run it and so on. At least they're on our side, which could be useful.'

Til see to it, sir.'

'At your soonest, Hans. A feasibility study. I'll give you three days.'

Ritter turned and limped out and Canaris went back to his papers.


ON WEDNESDAY MORNING Canaris, after sleeping once again on the little military bed in his office, was in the bathroom shaving when there was a knock at the door.

'Come in,' he called.

'It's me, Herr Admiral,' Ritter replied. 'And your breakfast.'

Canaris wiped his face and went out to the aroma of good coffee, and found an orderly arranging a tray on his desk, Ritter standing by the window.

'Dismissed,' Canaris said, and picked up his cup as the orderly went out. 'Join me, Hans.'

'I've already had breakfast, Herr Admiral.'

'You must have risen early. How conscientious of you.'

'Not really, Herr Admiral. It's just that I find difficulty sleeping.'

Canaris was immediately all sympathy. 'My dear

Hans, how stupid of me. I'm afraid I often forget just how difficult life must be for you.'

'The fortunes of war, Herr Admiral.' He laid a file on the desk as Canaris buttered some toast. The Admiral looked up. 'What's this?'

'Operation Sheba, Herr Admiral.'

'You mean you've come up with a solution?'