"willia~2" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hodgson William Hope)

unknown powers of darkness ...
Mr. Hope Hodgson plays deftly surrounding sea.
on the strings of fear, and his
new novel stamps him a With there being no wind, we had steadied the tiller, and I was
fascinating panic-monger with a the only man on deck. The crew, consisting of two men and a
quick eye for all the sensational boy, were sleeping forrard in their den; while Will--my friend,
possibilities of ghost-lore. and the master of our little craft--was aft in his bunk on the port
- The Bookman (1913) side of the little cabin.
"... generally considered to be
one of the major authors of Suddenly, from out of the surrounding darkness, there came a
supernatural horror fiction" hail:
- E. F. Bleiler "Schooner, ahoy!"
"The supreme master of
supernatural horror in science The cry was so unexpected that I gave no immediate answer,
fiction." because of my surprise.
- Sam Moskowitz
Hodgson ran away from his It came again--a voice curiously throaty and inhuman, calling
mother and clergyman father at from somewhere upon the dark sea away on our port broadside:
an early age, eventually getting
apprenticed at sea. He lasted as a "Schooner, ahoy!"
seafarer for eight years; in 1899,
he quit life as a sailor "Hullo!" I sung out, having gathered my wits somewhat. "What
passionately hating it and are you? What do you want?"
accusing those around him of
frequent brutality. While he had "You need not be afraid," answered the queer voice, having
been at sea, he had taken up judo probably noticed some trace of confusion in my tone. "I am only
and photography as hobbies. an old man."
That year, he opened a

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England. It was called the W.H. back to me with any significance.
Hodgson School for Physical
Culture. His first writing "Why don't you come alongside, then?" I queried somewhat
experiences were articles of snappishly; for I liked not his hinting at my having been a trifle
bodybuilding with photographs
he had taken of himself. He also shaken.
wrote articles deploring the
seafaring life. And, too, he "I--I--can't. It wouldn't be safe. I--" The voice broke off, and
lectured on tropical storms using there was silence.
slides he had taken himself by