"willia~2" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hodgson William Hope)

commissioned in the artillery. He
was badly hurt in a horsing This time there was a reply:
accident in 1916 and was
discharged. Incredibly, he was "Put away the light."
able to fully recover and he re-
enlisted. He was killed by a shell "I'm damned if I will," I muttered; but Will told me to do as the
at Ypres, Belgium in 1918. voice bade, and I shoved it down under the bulwarks.

In 1947, Arkham House "Come nearer," he said, and the oar-strokes continued. Then,
reprinted his Carnacki stories when apparently some half-dozen fathoms distant, they again
along with three others found in
his papers. ceased.
The Carnacki stories followed "Come alongside," exclaimed Will. "There's nothing to be
the evolution of a new branch of frightened of aboard here!"
Detective stories, the scientific
detective whereby machines and "Promise that you will not show the light?"
lab tests contribute to the
investigations more than pure "What's to do with you," I burst out, "that you're so infernally
reason or footwork. While Dr. afraid of the light?"
John Thorndyke (by R. Austin
Freeman) became the best "Because " began the voice, and stopped short.
example of this school, there was
yet another extension of this "Because what?" I asked quickly.
branch developing. Algernon
Blackwood wrote his stories of Will put his hand on my shoulder.
Dr. John Silence, the psychic
physician (1907 - 1908) who
assists those suffering from "Shut up a minute, old man," he said, in a low voice. "Let me
various paranormal tackle him."
manifestations. He leant more over the rail.
Carnacki is a middle ground
between these two types. "See here, Mister," he said, "this is a pretty queer business, you
Hodgson previously had written coming upon us like this, right out in the middle of the blessed
on subjects upon which he was Pacific. How are we to know what sort of a hanky-panky trick
an authority. Here, tho not an
occultist, he attempts realism by you're up to? You say there's only one of you. How are we to
making seemingly learned know, unless we get a squint at you--eh? What's your objection to
references to different occult the light, anyway?"
procedures and to modern
apparatus, like the electric As he finished, I heard the noise of the oars again, and then the
pentacle for defence and his voice came; but now from a greater distance, and sounding
beloved camera for investigation extremely hopeless and pathetic.
of the unusual situations into
which he was invited. "I am sorry--sorry! I would not have troubled you, only I am
hungry, and--so is she."

The voice died away, and the sound of the oars, dipping
irregularly, was borne to us.