"Hubbard, L Ron - Dianetics" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hubbard L. Ron)L. RON HUBBARD
DIANETIC The Modern Science of Mental Health PUBLICATIONS, INC. Important Note In reading this book, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he or she has gone past a word that was not understood. The confusion or inability to grasp or learn comes AFTER a word that the person did not have defined and understood. Have you ever had the experience of coming to the end of a page and realizing you didn't know what you had read? Well, somewhere earlier on that page you went past a word that you had no definition for or an incorrect definition for. Here's an example. "It was found that when the crepuscule arrived the children were quieter and when it was not present, they were much livelier." You see what happens. You think you don't understand the whole idea, but the inability to understand came entirely from the one word you could not define, crepuscule, which means twilight or darkness. It may not only be the new and unusual words that you will have to look up. Some commonly used words can often be misdefined and so cause confusion. This datum about not going past an undefined word is the most important fact in the whole subject of study. Every subject you have taken up and abandoned had its words which you failed to get defined. Therefore, in studying this book be very, very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. If the material becomes confusing or you can't seem to grasp it, there will be a word just earlier that you have not understood. Don't go any further, but go back to BEFORE you got into trouble, find the misunderstood word and get it defined. Definitions As an aid to the reader, words most likely to be misunderstood have been defined in footnotes the first time they occur in the text. Words sometimes have several meanings. The footnote definitions in this book only give the meaning that the word has as it is used in the text. Other definitions for the word can be found in a dictionary. A glossary including all the footnote definitions is at the back of this book. Contents How to Read This Book 1 Book One: The Goal of Man Chapter One The Scope of Dianetics 9 Chapter Two The Clear 16 Chapter Three The Goal of Man 31 Chapter Four The Four Dynamics 51 Chapter Five Summary 57 All Inorganic Mental and Organic Psychosomatic Ills Chapter One The Analytical Mind and the Standard Memory Banks 65 Chapter Two The Reactive Mind 73 Chapter Three The Cell and the Organism 101 Chapter Four The "Demons" 120 Chapter Five Psychosomatic Illness 131 Chapter Six Emotion and the Dynamics 158 Chapter Seven Prenatal Experience and Birth 176 Chapter Eight Contagion of Aberration 193 Chapter Nine Keying In the Engram 203 Chapter Ten Preventive Dianetics 219 Book Three: Therapy Chapter One The Mind's Protection 235 Chapter Two Release or Clear 242 Chapter Three The Auditor's Role 247 Chapter Four Diagnosis 255 Chapter Five Returning, the File Clerk and the Time Track 276 Chapter Six The Laws of Returning 293 Chapter Seven Emotion and the Life Force 319 Chapter Eight Some Types of Engrams 367 Chapter Nine Mechanisms and Aspects of Therapy-Part 1 386 Mechanisms and Aspects of Therapy-Part 2 439 Chapter Ten DianeticsЧPast and Future 553 Appendix: Dianetics: The Bridge to Clear 568 About the Author 581 For More Information Glossary Index Bibliography 587 599 640 659 xi How to Read This Book Dianetics is an adventure. It is an exploration into terra incognita,1 the human mind, that vast and hitherto unknown realm half an inch back of our foreheads. The discoveries and developments which made the formulation of Dianetics possible occupied many years of exact research and careful testing. This was exploration, it was also consolidation. The trail is blazed, the routes are sufficiently mapped for you to voyage in safety into your own mind and recover there your full inherent potential, which is not, we now know, low but very, very high. As you progress in therapy, the adventure is yours to know why you did what you did when you did it, to know what caused those dark and unknown fears which came in nightmares as a child, to know where your moments of pain and pleasure lay. There is much which an individual does not know about himself, about his parents, about his "motives." Some of the things you will find may astonish you, for the most important data of your life may be not memory but engrams2 in the 1. terra incognita: an unknown land; a region or subject of which nothing is known. 2. engrain: a mental image picture which is a recording of an experience containing pain, unconsciousness, and a real or fancied threat to survival. It is a recording in the reactive mind of something which actually happened to an individual in the past and which contained pain and unconsciousness, both of which are recorded in the mental image picture called an engram. It must, by definition, have impact or injury as part of its content. These engrams are a complete recording, down to the last accurate detail, of every perception present in a moment of partial or full unconsciousness. |