"Hubbard, L Ron - Dianetics" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hubbard L. Ron)

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The urge toward pleasure is dynamic. Pleasure is the reward, and the seeking of the rewardЧsurvival goals Чwould be a pleasurable act. And to ensure that survival is accomplished under the mandate "Survive!" it seems to have been provided that reduction from a high potential would bring pain.
Pain is provided to repel the individual from death, pleasure is provided to call him toward optimum life. The search for and the attainment of pleasure is not less valid in survival than the avoidance of pain. In fact, on some observed evidence, pleasure seems to have a much greater value in the cosmic scheme than pain.
Now, it would be well to define what is meant by pleasure, aside from its connection with immortality. The dictionary states that pleasure is "gratification; agreeable emotions, mental or physical; transient enjoyment; opposed to pain." Pleasure can be found in so many things and activities that a catalog of all the things and activities man has, does and may consider pleasurable alone could round out the definition.
And what do we mean by pain? The dictionary states: "physical or mental suffering; penalty."
These two definitions, in passing, are demonstrative of an intuitive type of thought which runs through the language. Once one has a thing which leads to the resolution of hitherto unsolved problems, even the dictionaries are found to have "always known it."
If we wished to make this graph for a life-form cycle, it would be identical except that the value of the years would be increased to measure eons. For there is no difference, it seems, except magnitude, in the scope of the individual and the scope of the species. This inference could be drawn even without such remarkable evidence as the fact that a human being, growing from
zygote7 to adult, evolutes8 through all the forms which the whole species is supposed to have evolved through.
Now, there is more in this graph than has been remarked as yet. The physical and mental state of the individual varies from hour to hour, day to day, year to year. Therefore, the level of survival would form either a daily curve or the curve of a life on a measure of hourly or yearly position in the zones. And there would be two curves made possible by this, the physical curve and the mental curve. When we get toward the back of the book, the relationships between these two curves will be found vital and it will also be seen that, ordinarily, a sag in the mental curve will precede a sag in the physical curve.
The zones, then, can apply to two things: the physical being and the mental being. Therefore, these four zones can be called zones of the states of being. If a person is happy mentally, the survival level can be placed in zone 4. If the person is extremely ill physically, he might be plotted, on estimation of his illness, in zone 1 or close to death.
Very unprecise, but nevertheless descriptive, names have been assigned to these zones. Zone 3 is one of general happiness and well-being. Zone 2 is a level of bearable existence. Zone 1 is one of anger. Zone 0 is the zone of apathy. These zones can be used as a Tone Scale9 by which a state of mind can be graded. Just above death, which is 0, would be the lowest mental apathy or lowest level of physical life, 0.1. A tone 1,
7. zygote: the first cell of a new individual.
8. evolutes: evolves; develops.
9. Tone Scale: a scale which shows the emotional tones of a person. These, ranged from the highest to the lowest, are, in part, serenity (the highest level), enthusiasm (as we proceed downward), conservatism, boredom, antagonism, anger, covert hostility, fear, grief, apathy.
where the body is fighting physical pain or illness or where the being is fighting in anger, could be graded from 1.0, which would be resentment or hostility, through tone 1.5, which would be a screaming rage, to a 1.9, which would be merely a quarrelsome inclination. From tone 2.0 to tone 3.0 there would be an increasing interest in existence, and so forth.
It so happens that the state of physical being or mental being does not long remain static. Therefore, there are various fluctuations. In the course of a single day an aberree may run from 0.5 to 3.5, up and down, as a mental being. An accident or illness could cause a similar fluctuation in a day.
These are, then, figures which can be assigned to four things: the mental state on an acute10 basis and the mental state on a general, average basis, and the physical being on an acute basis and the physical being on a general basis. In Dianetics, we do not much employ the physical Tone Scale. The mental Tone Scale, however, is of vast and vital importance!
These values of happiness, bearable existence, anger and apathy are not arbitrary" values. They are deduced from observation of the behavior of emotional states. A Clear is usually found varying around tone 4, plus or minus, in an average day. He is a general tone 4, which is one of the inherent conditions of being Clear. A norm in current society, at a wild guess, is probably around a general tone 2.8.
In this descriptive graph, which is two-dimensional, the vital data for the solution of the problem of the life dynamic are workably combined. The horizontal lines are in terms of geometric progression beginning with
10. acute: brief and severe.
11. arbitrary: based on one's preference, notion, whim, etc.; capricious.
the zero line immediately above death. There are ten lines for each zone and each zone denotes a mental or physical state of being, as noted. Geometric progression, so used, leaves ever-increasing spaces between the lines. The width of this space is the survival potential existing at the moment the top point of the survival dynamic arrow is within that space. The further away from death the top point of the survival dynamic arrow is, the better chance the individual has of survival. Geometric progression reaches up toward the impossible of infinity and cannot, of course, reach infinity. The organism is surviving through time from left to right. Survival optimumЧimmortalityЧlies in terms of time to the right. Potential only is measured vertically.