"Huff, Tanya - We Two May Meet" - читать интересную книгу автора (Huff Tanya)

"Not as sorry as you will be if Ter'Poe gets up those stairs," One snorted. "We're not leaving until you help us."
The smile gone, Dr. Bineeni turned toward a back door. "Evan. Petre."
Two burly young men pushed their way into the room past the piles of books.
"Not bad." Magdelene-one fluffed out her hair and undid the top fastener on her vest. "One each."
Two stared at her in disbelief. "Is that all you ever think about?"
"No!" One's brows dipped in. "Well . . ."
Evan, or possible Petre, reached for Magdelene-two's arm.
"Oh, go to sleep!" she snapped.
Both men fell to the ground.
"Horizontal. Very nice."
"Ha! You're repeating yourself."
Two gestured. One countered. Power sizzled against power in the center of the room.
Darkness rose out of the shadows, divided an infinite number of times, took form and substance.
"Imps?" Two stared at the swarm of tiny figures scuttling toward her. "They dare to send imps against me?"
"Whatever." One didn't bother standing. She waved a languid hand and several imps imploded. The rest kept coming. Chestnut brows drew in. "That can't be good."
"Would you quit saying that!" Two shrieked as the first imps reached her.
They climbed into mouths and ears and noses. They tangled in hair. They tried to fit themselves into every bleeding wound they made. And for every dozen Magdelene destroyed, another dozen rose from the shadows.
Driven out of the chair, Magdelene-one staggered around the room, flailing power at her attackers. Stumbling over a muscular body, she began to fall and grabbed hold of the closest solid object: Magdelene-two's hand. As their fingers tightened, the wizard looked herself in the eye and smiled.
An instant later the only sign that a battle had been fought and nearly lost was the tangled mess of Two's hair.
"I can't believe they'd send imps after us," she growled, her hair rearranging itself back into a tight bun.
"I can't believe the imps almost kicked ass," One added.
A whimper turned them to face Dr. Bineeni, who was kneeling on the floor, staring up through the bars of his stool.
"You're actually her!"
Yawning, One dropped back into the chair. "Yeah, we actually are."
"And we need your help. You saw what happens when we try ; to fight the darkness as two separate wizards."
"Yes. I saw." Drawing in a long, shuddering breath, the doctor seemed to come to a decision as he slowly stood. "Who did this to you?"
"Well, it's like, uh . . ."
"Are you blushing?" Two demanded, taking a disbelieving step toward her double. "I wouldn't have thought you still knew how to blush!"
"Up yours."
"You know what your problem is? You're not willing to face reality." Straightening her robe, Two speared Dr. Bineeni with an irritated glare. "We did it to ourself. Ourselves."
"And you want me to ... ?"
"Put us back together."
Bushy gray brows rose above the rims of the glasses. "You want to be back together?"
"It doesn't matter what we want," Two explained over One's gagging noises. "We have a responsibility to the world to be back together before the Netherhells attack again."
"Not to mention a responsibility to not be personally sliced and diced."
"I see. You held hands to defeat the smaller darkness," he added thoughtfully.
"We can't keep doing that."
"Why not?"
"We can't stand each other."
"Again, why not?" He spread his hands. "Are you not both you? Do you dislike yourself so?"
"I like myself just fine," One broke in before Two could answer. "It's her I can't stand. Bossy, uptight, neat freak!"
"Lazy, lasciviousЧyou don't care about anything but your-
"Lady Wizards, please." Stepping over a sleeping bodyguard to stand between them, the doctor looked from one to the other and sighed. "What happened to make you dislike yourself so?"
Dr. Bineeni's consultation room was as full of books and scrolls and candles and jars as his inner sanctum, but it also held a wide chaise lounge. Magdelene-two created a second and the wizardsЧ wearing identical apprehensive expressionsЧlay down.
"All right." Settling himself in the room's only chair, the doctor picked up a slate and a piece of chalk. "Let's start with some stream of consciousness. I'll begin a phrase and you will finish it with the first thing that comes into your head. You," a finger pointed toward Magdelene-one, "will respond first and then you will alternate responses. Are you ready?"