"Huff, Tanya - We Two May Meet" - читать интересную книгу автора (Huff Tanya)

"Although I sort of promised Death I'd stop," One sighted. "It screws up her accounting."
"So, given the manner of his death, you couldn't bring Antonio back."
"Nor any of his people."
"But if I'd known," Two insisted, "I could have stopped it."
"So many things I could stop if I knew," One agreed.
"But I don't know. Because all I do is lie in the sun and have a good time."
The doctor's brows rose. "All you do?"
"All I did." Two's lips were pressed into a thin disapproving line as she nodded toward her double. "All she does. I recognize my responsibilities."
"But without her, you can't fulfill them." He rubbed his upper lip with a chalk-stained finger as he studied his slate. "I have one final question."
One scooted forward to the edge of the lounge, "then you can fix us?"
"No. Then you can fix yourself."
"If I'm going to fix myself," One muttered, "why'd I have to come see you."
Dr. Bineeni ignored her. "You have to learn to like yourself again."
"Myself, yes. Her . . ."
". . . no," Two finished, lip curled.
"We'll see." He sat back, glanced from one to the other, and said quietly, "You have, in your house, a flight of stairs that descends to the Netherhells. Why?"
One snorted. "It's convenient."
"Convenient? To have demons emerge out of your basement?"
"Well, it's more of a subbasement, but yeah."
"So that I know where they are," Two interjected before One could answer. "The demon princes gain power by slaughter. You don't want them running around the world unopposed."
"No, I don't." As the silence lengthened, he added, "Legends say there were once six demon princes, but the most powerful wizard in the world stood between the mighty Kan'Kon and the slaughter he craved, and now there are five. Mourn for Antonio, mourn for his people, but do not define the rest of your life by his loss."
Although she had the boiling oil ready at the top of the stairs, Kali stepped gratefully aside as a single pop of displaced air heralded the return of her mistress. The clothing suggested that only Magdelene-one had returned, but then she noted the purposeful stride and the light of battle in the wizard's eyes and the demon-housekeeper gave a heavy sigh of relief.
Even given that the light of battle was more accurately a light of extreme annoyance.
"Mistress, they are very close."
"I can see that," Magdelene noted as the bone spearhead came through the door. Grasping the handle, she flung it open and smiled at the demon attempting to free his weapon. "Hi. I'm back."
It froze. Those members of the demonic horde pushing up the stairs behind it who were within the sound of her voice, froze as well.
From deep within the bowels of the Earth, a fell voice snarled, "What's the holdup!"
"She's back."
Silence. One moment. Two. Then: "Oh, crap."
The demon at the top of the stairs curled a lipless mouth into what might have been a conciliatory smile.
"It it's any consolation," Magdelene told it, raising a hand, "you'll be at the top of the pile."
A moment later, the stairs were clear, although the bouncing continued for some time. Magdelene waited until the moaning and the swearing and the recriminations died down, then she leaned out over the threshold. "Don't make me come down there."
The lower door slammed emphatically shut, the vibration rocking her back on her heels.
"Temper, temper," she muttered, stepping back into the hall.
"I am pleased you are yourself again, Mistress." Lifting the vat of oil, Kali carried it into the kitchen. "I am happy the doctor was able to heal you."
"He got me moving forward again," Magdelene allowed, following her housekeeper. "Although I am the most powerful wizard in the world and I probably could have figured it out eventually on my own."
"We had time for neither probably or eventually, Mistress."
"True. I guess I needed someone to get into my head."
Kali stared at the wizard for a long moment, then surrendered to temptation. "That's a change," she said.