"Monica Hughes - Devil On My Back" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hughes Monica)across at his friends: Grog, Denn, Farfat, and Matt. Each of them looked as pale as he felt. The five of us
must have a celebration when today's over, he told himself firmly, and tried to concentrate on what Lord Vale was saying. "For seven years, Young Lords, since you first came to me with your access sockets empty, I have instructed you. You are now fourteen years of age and today will begin to become scholars. For seven years you have worn only your lifepak and have accessed one at a time some of the infopaks that will become a part of you. You have acquired some knowledge over these years: a week with a mathpak, a week with ancient history, a week with science. Now we have reached the most important day in your young lives: Access Day. Why is it called that... Grog?" "Because today we gain access to all knowledge, my Lord," Grog burst out eagerly. Lord Vale's face creased in a thin smile. "Today you begin to access all knowledge," he corrected. "You will begin by accessing and interfacing mathematics, physics, City history and English literature. Upon your ability to handle this information, to interface freely and to make linkages within your own brains..." He turned to show them the mighty weight of paks that lay upon his neck. "Upon your ability depends your future access to engineering, ancient history, philosophy. Only then will you become a full member of the Lordship of the City, freely interfacing with the entire knowledge of the human race." Tomi rubbed his hands down the folds of his gown. His stomach heaved and he swallowed and wished he had left his breakfast uneaten in spite of the command of his lifepak. Lord Vale's voice droned on. He couldn't pay attention. His mind was jumping all over the place. His skin crawled and his palms were sticky again. "... a tranquil mind," Lord Vale was saying. "You have practiced these exercises daily for the last seven years. We will go through them once more. Relax... breathe in slowly... three... four. Hold it. Now out slowly... slowly... ten... eleven... twelve..." From Farfat s couch came a winded gasp. Lord Vale looked up with a frown. "And again." Tomi felt the fear drop from him. The knot in his stomach dissolved. His head became clear, his He jumped as Lord Vales dry hand lightly touched the nape of his neck. "Stay relaxed. That's right. Good." He felt pressure on his socket and the sudden weight of additional paks. The tension at the graft was unbearable. He gasped, managed a slow deep breath. Suddenly it was bearable. Three paks. Four. Another breath. "Very good, Tomi. Relax. Make no attempt at access until I tell you." His heart pounding furiously, Tomi lay on his side against the contoured cushions of his couch to ease the unaccustomed weight off his neck. Through half-closed eyes he could see Lord Vale move slowly around the room. Jay. Matt. Now he had reached Grog's couch. Good old Grog. Relax, you'll be all right. It seemed to be taking Lord Vale a very long time. What was wrong? An animal wail cut the tense silence. "I can't. I can't. Oh, it hurts. Stop it. Take them away..." The voice rose from a wail to a scream. A horrible noise. Revolting. Couldn't Lord Vale get Grog to stop? "Security." Lord Vale's voice was a dry whisper. Within twenty seconds the door was flung open and two men in the scarlet uniforms of soldiers marched in, their TV monitors strapped to their foreheads. Three-eyes, the Young lords irreverently called them. Now Tomi was thankful for the quiet efficiency with which they removed the screaming Grog. "But I don't want to be a slave. Don't make me... its not fair..." The closing door cut off his screams like a knife. In the sudden silence Tomi shuddered. Poor Grog! Bad luck. Or bad learning? To be turned into a nameless unfamilied slave for the rest of his miserable life, all memory of accessed knowledge and of being a Lord wiped out. To be a number... Yet mixed with the horror was a warm glow that made Tomi more sure of himself than ever before: It didn't happen to me. I'm all right! I'm going to make it! |