"Zach Hughes - Pressure Man" - читать интересную книгу автора (Hughes Zach)PUBLISHER'S NOTE
This novel is a work of fi ction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any r Iesemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. NAL BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AT QUANTITY DISCOUNTS WHEN USED TO PROMOTE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE WRITE TO PREMIUM MARKETING DIVISIION, THE NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY, INC., 1633 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10019. COPYRIGHT @ 1980 By HUGH ZACHARY All rights'reserved MRsT PRINTING, NOVEMBER, 1980 2,3 4 516 7 8 9 SIGNET TRADEMARK REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES REGISTERED TRADEMARK-MARCA REGISTRADA HECUO Eli WINNIPEG, CANADA SIGNET, SIGNET CLASSICS, MENTOR, PLUME, MERIDIAN and'NAL BOOKS are 'published in Canada by The Now American @Jbrary of Canada. Limited, Scarborough. Ontario PRINTED IN cANAm ' COVER PRINTED IN USA 10 -ely on public, transport he if, he had been asked to I ie trip. He hated the would have refused to make tl ed clanking, sooty, coal-burning nnitficarriers crowd, He hated surwith their surly Civil Service attendants the a,, fnding the , contrast between face travel in gener Ithe decaying planot clean, empty reaches of space and to be almost nauseous. -er, hold a-belligere"t not, a, He did did many spac s@ter all, the source, source Of many things ndone She r eked and rotted and continued to CO horne. ,e of Goethe7s man, so admirable in the overproduction so deplorable in his mass,* He did not the individual, only her peoPle- He feel contempt for Earth herself, e by growling obscenities as he showed his impatienc: at the side pf the two was forced to the blown dunes rema* ling lanes of what once had been a f0ur-lane su- h passage of a big drone cargo carperhighway to allow ehead as he rier. He mopped perspiration from his for then steered the antique, waited for the drone to clear, ad. The auto7s air-conauto back onto the potholed ro riot too neatly, leavditioning unit had been removed, lining had ing a gaping hole in the dash., Most of the tom from the vehicles roof, leaving only,a. thin been I 2 Zach Hughes, ' layer of metal between him and the desert sun. The en- gine, modified to bum methane, stank, coughed, wheezed, and strained as he tried to regain speed. The poorly engineered tank on the back of the car was definitely not aerodynamic. The dry cross wind made handling a nightmare when, by coaxing and cursing and pushing to the limit, he once again attained fifty miles per hour. |