"01 - The Road to Underfall" - читать интересную книгу автора (Jefferies Mike)


Copyright A) Mike Jefferies 1986

The Author asserts the moral right to be
identified as the author of this work

A CIP catalogue record for this book
is available from the British Library

Printed and bound in Great Britain by
HarperCollms Book Manufacturing, Glasgow

To Grandfather - who laughed at the
shadows and put fear aside. 'Child,' he once
said, 'Kings have no simple tasks, for all our
threads hang from their fingertips and as
the Master Puppeteer they move us all to
chase our fate.'

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The Bondbreaking

'I will teach you,' whispered a voice in the darkness. 'I will tell you
what it is forbidden to know; of how the Granite Kings arose out
of the great darkness.'

'Lord, there is a curse on stories about time before the
darkness came,' answered a shy nervous voice. 'It is forbidden to
meddle in magic.'

Laughter crackled, almost seeming to split the blackness in

'Listen, child, and I shall tell you of a time before night was ever
thought of and how it came to a world of perpetual light, in a time
when the sun endlessly circled Elundium.'

The voice paused, and in its place a tiny speck of light began to