"William W Johnstone - Ashes 16 - Vengance in the Ashes (txt)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Johnstone William W)25 "I'm hit!" Buddy called. "Come on. They're gone."
Six more outlaws went down hard and kicking. One was only slightly wounded. He was taken prisoner. "Take all the weapons," Buddy ordered. He looked at the badly frightened outlaw. "Let's get this one back to base." Teams of Rebel head-hunters came back jubilant, carrying dozens of weapons and bringing in a few prisoners. Some of the prisoners were openly defiant, sneering and cursing at the Rebels and expecting the worst. They got it. But most were frightened and willing to cooperate in exchange for their lives. Even Ben was somewhat shaken when he read the reports after the interrogations. "Works out to be about nine to one," Beth said, after doing some quick arithmetic. "And very well armed," Thermopolis said, standing beside Tina Raines. "But the plan of this Books person may very well backfire as we re-arm the citizens." "Yes," Ben agreed. "That's what I'm thinking. There is this, too: if he's breaking up his forces into teams on all the islands, the men and women who were being held as slaves will have to be freed. Therm, you sparsely populated before the war; only about two thousand residents. But it was the pineapple capital and I imagine the thugs have slaves working the old plantations. You're going to have to make the crossing in small boats." Tina said, "I'll get on the transportation end right now." The hippie-turned-warrior met the eyes of Ben. "You were right, Ben. This is going to be long and 26 slow and bloody." Ben held out his hand and Thermopolis shook it. "Good luck to you." He smiled. "Take care of Emil." Therm rolled his eyes and left. Emil Hite had turned into a good soldier, but you just never knew what the little con artist might try to pull next. But like all Rebels, he was one hundred percent loyal to Ben. Ben returned to his studying of maps of the islands, talking to himself, even though his staff was sitting in the CP listening. Beth, the official keeper of things that Ben had to do. Cooper, the driver. Corrie, the radio operator. Jersey, Ben's bodyguard. "We'll take Maui next," Ben said. "Seven hundred and twenty nine square miles with a |